14 Mar 08
Originally posted by Fat mans revengeIn observance, it's very important that you watch this short video:
Alright, I know I'm not the only math nerd around here, so here's wishing everyone a happy Pi Day!
Just remember, Pi Day is not to be confused with Pi approximation day, which is July 22nd (22/7).
Originally posted by Fat mans revenge3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592
Alright, I know I'm not the only math nerd around here, so here's wishing everyone a happy Pi Day!
Just remember, Pi Day is not to be confused with Pi approximation day, which is July 22nd (22/7).
O Happy Happy Joy Joy
Originally posted by Fat mans revengeOne could argue that (3/14) is also Pi approximation day, as the decimal continues.
Alright, I know I'm not the only math nerd around here, so here's wishing everyone a happy Pi Day!
Just remember, Pi Day is not to be confused with Pi approximation day, which is July 22nd (22/7).