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Help - how to disable interphone in apartment?

Help - how to disable interphone in apartment?


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Is there any handyman around, please?

Here is that interphone, Elvox I think, Italian.

How can I disable bell (without destroying it by hammer)?

Very much obliged in advance, thank you, you good folks.

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Originally posted by vandervelde
Is there any handyman around, please?

Here is that interphone, Elvox I think, Italian.

How can I disable bell (without destroying it by hammer)?

Very much obliged in advance, thank you, you good folks.
Looks like you need to take it apart and get to the speaker, either pull it out or put in a switch that can cut it out. Your images are a bit small to see much detail.

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unplug it...

yer welcome...

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Looks like you need to take it apart and get to the speaker, either pull it out or put in a switch that can cut it out. Your images are a bit small to see much detail.
Bigger photos::

I don't know where are screws and bolts so as to open the box?
I should then cut off some wires to the bell, but is it dangerous due electricity?

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Get used to it.

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Originally posted by vandervelde
Bigger photos::

I don't know where are screws and bolts so as to open the box?
I should then cut off some wires to the bell, but is it dangerous due electricity?
Is an interphone the same thing as an intercom? If so and it has a brand name you can see, you might be able to find operational instructions on the internet.

But I'm guessing it's a simple device hardwired into the building, and can't be muted unless you open the box and disconnect a wire leading to the speaker. If you don't see any screws (on the outside of the box) then it's possible the box can simply be popped off by pulling on it, but be careful not to break anything if it doesn't want to come off.

Is there an apartment manager you can ask about this? Or by 'apartment' do you mean temporary lodging, such as a hotel or motel? If so there should still be someone you can ask... and it's possible (if not likely) that there's nothing you can do about this problem without getting yourself into trouble with the owner.

edit: I was outside for a moment and looked at the box (through remote viewing) and it might be a good idea to first try pulling up at an angle. There might be a hinge at the top (on the inside) and you don't want to be pulling on the hinge itself. If the box pops loose at the bottom then you can either swing the box up or remove it from the hinge...

Goosed by a Duck is gonna have a cow if this remote viewing thing works, so I hope that's how the box is supposed to come off.

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Originally posted by vandervelde
Is there any handyman around, please?

Here is that interphone, Elvox I think, Italian.

How can I disable bell (without destroying it by hammer)?

Very much obliged in advance, thank you, you good folks.
Don't answer. They'll stop calling. 😉

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This looks very much like a wall-phone I had once. That could be lifted off the wall by sliding straight up, then you could get access to its innards from screws on the back.

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Wo! It IS a wall phone! I was finally able to access the link to your photo... I'm still learning how to get things done on this tablet.

Usually wall phones have a little swich somewhere to turn off the ringer. I don't understand why you wouldn't be able to disable the ringer, I always turn my ringer off before going to bed. All those wrong number callers and emergency calls will just have to wait until morning.

edit: I don't see any wires coming out of the box, except for the one connecting the phone to the box. So the box itself is likely hard wired into the wall.

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Originally posted by vandervelde
Is there any handyman around, please?

Here is that interphone, Elvox I think, Italian.

How can I disable bell (without destroying it by hammer)?

Very much obliged in advance, thank you, you good folks.
You can just leave it off the hook till you want to use it.

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I'll try to move the box.
What if it is hard wired to the wall?
Maybe I have to call a service for intercoms to do it for me.
It will cost me 500 rsd if they turn off the bell permanently, or 2000 rsd if they build a switch so that I can choose.
But right now I am in dire straits.

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Originally posted by vandervelde
I'll try to move the box.
What if it is hard wired to the wall?
Maybe I have to call a service for intercoms to do it for me.
It will cost me 500 rsd if they turn off the bell permanently, or 2000 rsd if they build a switch so that I can choose.
But right now I am in dire straits.
If it's hard wired it probably can't be disconnected without possibly tearing a little hole in the wall to expose the wires. One time my brother wanted to take a closer look at my smoke alarm, so he twisted it and pulled it off the ceiling. That would have been okay with me except it didn't use a battery, it was wired directly into the electrical system. So I had to reconnect some wires that came loose and shove the guts back up into the ceiling... and hope no one would notice anything different after I moved out and into another apartment.

Anyway, what's the purpose of that phone? What I mean is, how is it different from having your own phone... is it designed to connect you with other tenants, or for someone who wants to get into your building, or what? I can understand how it would be a royal pain in the rump if you can't turn the ringer off.

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How will you know when it's ringing if you disconnect the bell?
None of this makes any sense. No wonder you're in dire straits. 😉

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So I solved the problem.
It was an intercom ("interphone" is wrong, maybe non--existing word, literal translation from Serbian) at the main entrance, which rings in apartment a guest wants to visit.
I paid a tehnician to build ind a switch, so that I can chose whether I want to be disturbed or not.
I am working at home right now, the building is acoustic already as it is, and I don't want to be disturbed by postmen, or people who are going in mobile.phone shop at the ground floor and who are lazy to find the right button so they bother tenants randomly.
And there was a screw after all, down, below the intercom on bottom panel. I didn't notice it.

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Originally posted by vandervelde
So I solved the problem.
It was an intercom ("interphone" is wrong, maybe non--existing word, literal translation from Serbian) at the main entrance, which rings in apartment a guest wants to visit.
I paid a tehnician to build ind a switch, so that I can chose whether I want to be disturbed or not.
I am working at home right now, the building is a ...[text shortened]...
And there was a screw after all, down, below the intercom on bottom panel. I didn't notice it.
So you really didn't need us anyway. I feel abused. 😉

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