I have booked a taxi from Schiphol and the confirmation e-mail has come back in Dutch. Babelfish has made some sense of most of it but refuses to translate the words 'kinderzitje' and 'vertoon' in the following context,
Indien van toepassing, kunt u uw eigen kinderzitje, op vertoon van dit reserveringsbewijs, in bewaring geven bij het bagagedepot op Schiphol. Het bagagedepot bereikt u door de trap tussen Vertrekhal 1 en 2 naar beneden te nemen.
Any help would be appreciated.
Originally posted by Great Big SteesHard to vertoon strong negotiation skills here, since you vertoon strong arguments. Damn it. I've vertooned my argumentative flaws.
I'd "love" to vertoon you the money but as I have none vertooning it is impossible.....unless of course you can "lend" me some but then you'd already have vertooned it.