Originally posted by GburlLooks as though the picture is actually sitting on your own computer's hard drive... is that so?
Looks like I need help. I have tried to put a picture in my settings. Took me a while to do that and now have that done but It does not come over in my postings. What is my problem?
If you think about it it can't work that way although I've got to admit I used to think it did as well...
When I'm logged off and my computer is switched off my RedHotTed still shows up... because he's been uploaded to a server that is connected to the internet. In my case this is my free web space at AOL.
Do you get any web space from your internet service provider?
I will have to do some checking on this I know that I have web space from AOL. Use it for genealogy. I just have to find out how to do things again one it. Two years ago I had several seazures (Ok now) but lost some memory. My wife has become the expert on the computer and should be able to help. Thanks for you help. Ha, just thought of something I can use the loss of memory as a reson for my low rating.🙄