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how sick is this guy

how sick is this guy


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As i was listening to the news this morning , it announced a case currently on trail in Germany. As the story goes this gentleman is a self proclamied cannibal , apparently he has had this problem since he was at school and get this, he used to fantasise about eating his class mates( ewww) .

This person advertised over the net for a well endowd male person to come forward to be slaughterd. Now how many people do you think applied for this honour,1, 2 ..nope about 20 fools, of these he chose one and they met .

Now cross your legs guys because here is where it gets painfull.

Together they cut of this mans penis , sauteed and ate it. Now this wasnt enough for our hero he then decided to finish the job and killed his victim and proceeeded to have a one man banquet.

As in any good story there needs to be a twist of course , so how many years jail do you think he could get for such a task. 5 years is what the defence is arguing for because in german law a person how asks an other person to kill them (ie) euthanasia can only be jailed for five years , prosecution want life of course , we can only hope.

When questioned by the judge , he replied that his victim would always be part of him. πŸ™ the trail is still ongoing , but i hope they have the death penalty in Germany

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Well the guy volunteered so he must have been pretty sick too. And can that be murder if he volunteered? Strange case - like suicide but with somebody else involved. Maybe that's why only 5 years. Also, I don't think Germany has the death penalty. It's one of the pre-conditions for being an EU member.

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it saddens me that this causes a call for the death penalty πŸ™
you said it yourself, the guy is sick, as in ill. So was the guy who volunteered to be castrated.

I'm not a bleeding heart liberal, but this seems like a case of mental imbalance not malace. Lock the guy away yes, but in an institution that can help him (as well as keeping him from eating any more of his friends).

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that is part of the prosecution case , the fool may have volenteered to have his fella cut off but did he consent to be carved up , i dont know , and neither do they , time will tellπŸ˜• and just another point it was all filmed as well , imagine being on the jury and having to sit through that.πŸ˜•

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I don't know. Some Red Wine, bacon, carrots, onions, mushrooms and thyme - make a lovely "Cock au Vin"


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Originally posted by mmanuel
I don't know. Some Red Wine, bacon, carrots, onions, mushrooms and thyme - make a lovely "Cock au Vin"

That's too, too hilarious! Mark, is there something you want to tell us?


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That strory goes further - apparently the cannibal rejected one of the prospective candidates for the chop because this Italian guy wanted to have his dangly bits cooked by blow torch! Our cannibal thought that that was a little too weird for his liking!!!!

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Originally posted by kyngj
That's too, too hilarious! Mark, is there something you want to tell us?

well, I have just placed an ad in my local paper...


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I think you should let this cannibal eat whoever he wants as long as the person about to be eaten has agreed to it. A human recycling machine very cost efficient and enviromentally friendly, a true hero! πŸ˜›

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These guys understood what the liberal idea of the "consenting adults" theory is all about ......

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Ruthless German efficiency, you've got to love it! πŸ˜€

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Originally posted by billwesthoff
, but i hope they have the death penalty in Germany
Naa - only barbaric and socially backward places have the death penalty.

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Originally posted by steerpike
Naa - only barbaric and socially backward places have the death penalty.
Not to hijack this thread, but would you then classify the USA as "barbaric and socially backward" based on capital punishment specifically? It seems a bit judgemental to me to castigate an entire society based on one practice. Granted. the USA remains the only Western democracy that retains the right to execute its citizens by court order.

I believe Varg is correct about capital punishment being disallowed in the European Union, from what I remember from the news, but I cannot find any immediately available information on the EU Web site (http://europa.eu.int/index_en.htm) to corroborate this.

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i dont know i think this sounds a lot like USA's Dr. Carvorkian....people asked him to kill them so he did and now he is in jail....or did they exicute him??? (not sure on spelling or sentenceing)

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Originally posted by Poison Godmachine
Not to hijack this thread, but would you then classify the USA as "barbaric and socially backward" based on capital punishment specifically? It seems a bit judgemental to me to castigate an entire society based on one practice. Granted. the USA remains the only Western democracy that retains the right to execute its citizens by court order.

The US lines up with Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Cuba and China on murdering its own citizens- all other Western countries have left the death penalty in the past. Socially backward is certainly true - a country that kept slaves while claiming to be a democracy and denied their descendents the vote for another centrury can not claim to be in the forefront of human progress. Primitive is unjustified.

Back to the thread - the German gentleman is not a murderer, as his victim wished to die. His first crime was assisting a suicide. Others who contacted him later and wanted to be eaten were play acting - he let them go. His second crime was to eat the body - deplorable but not murder. Glad he is not my neighbour but he is no Jeffrey Dahmer.

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