It's very hard to apologize when you've also been wronged, isn't it?
I'm so glad you're being the mature one by apologizing first. I'm sorry
if I've offended or angered you, I'm just trying to be fair. Hopefully,
when Dave has a chance to think about this (I realize that he has
some other issues on the top of his priority list right now), he'll
apologize too.
PS Where's my game? Is Janey scared?? :-D
I, too, should apologize for the tone of my post. I would like to
respectfully disagree with one thing you said in the above post--
during the early stages of any illness as life-altering as an addiction or
a terminal disease (and yes, they can be one and the same, sadly), I
think the person does need and deserve sympathy-- at least until
they have had time to regain some of their own strength. I don't
think that Dave was trying to hide behind sympathy-- i think he was
just trying to explain to everyone why he wasn't keeping up with his
games. (Of course, I have no right to speak for Dave.) You may or
may not agree with the way he went about it, but I have to admire the
courage it must have taken to make a public admission like that. And
I hate talking about Dave like he's not here, so I will wait for him to
return and speak for himself.
No offense was intended by my post-- I reacted quickly and without
sufficient thought before I started writing, and I apologize for that.
RE 1: Excuses, excuses... translation... I'm too scared to play Rein. :-D
RE 2: Never say never, Janey! In recognizing his problem, Dave has
been forced to make a lot of changes in his life. Dealing with an
addiction is a very humbling experience, and a very painful one as
well. Wait and see, Janey. The next time you talk to him, you might
be surprised.
Janey, since I don't think you've ever been in a situation like Dave's
before, I can understant how his admission may seem like hiding
behind our sympathy to you, but I don't think it is. Actually, he's
exposing a vulnerability, a weakness, and asking us to be supportive
and understanding, rather than cruel and uncaring. Janey, if you were
in a similar position, wouldn't you want support from those who are
important to you?
If you'd like to talk about this with me, please challenge me to a
game. I lost your email address, or I wouldn't have had to post this
here. I feel like I'm talking about him behind his back, and it makes
me uncomfortable. But hopefully, Dave, you won't be bothered too
...who hasn't lost to Janey yet... more than once...