Originally posted by ark13I...I can't! It's too painful!
Let's try to find the root of this anger. Try to remember back as far as you can? Were there any traumatic events? A hung rook perhaps? Maybe a skewered piece?
Originally posted by Shanshu311Yes, I agree, endgame's suck. I can get through the opening and midgame all right but once I hit the endgame I start shaking violently and uncontrolably. If I ever met the endgame in person I'd tie him down and chinese brainwash him then shove toothpicks under his fingernails as far as I could. 😛
I hate playing end-game matches so much, that if end-game were a person, and I saw them walking down the street, I would rush over and punch them in the face.
Then I would laugh and walk away satisfied....but then I would run back and kick them square in the jewels.
Friggin hate end-game.
But I really do hate endgame.
Originally posted by Shanshu311I LOVE endgames!!! I'd rather play a knight and pawn endgame than eat a steak! I once outplayed Michigan's top Master in a knight and pawn ending, winning the game. That was 20 years ago. 😵
I hate playing end-game matches so much, that if end-game were a person, and I saw them walking down the street, I would rush over and punch them in the face.
Then I would laugh and walk away satisfied....but then I would run back and kick them square in the jewels.
Friggin hate end-game.
Rook endings are FUN too! Once you know all the rules it fun to push other players around. 🙂
Originally posted by PBE6"Show me on the doll where they touched you!" hilarious
Did an end-game ever touch you somewhere you didn't feel comfortable being touched? Somewhere private? Show me on this doll:
Actually, end-game was always nice to me, until I started to over-think my moves. Then he became the slave-master of doom; a man with no soul, and a cruel sense of humor.
He taunts me, you know. And I'm pretty sure he whips puppies in his spare time.
Originally posted by thenegativeinfinity1Yeah, once you break the addiction to eating steak and start eating right, steak tastes all fat and blubberly, dripping with artery clogging grease! 😲
i hate steak
Try it and see for yourself: Stop eating all red meat for 30 days. Just eat fish (not breaded), vegatables and fruits. Then after 30 days go out and eat a steak. Not only will it taste blubberly, but your body will start feeling bad afterwards. 😳
Originally posted by arrakiswhat kinda funny huh im not a vegetarian or any thing but i just dont like it (i really hate fat on meat) i do prefer leaner meats though...
Yeah, once you break the addiction to eating steak and start eating right, steak tastes all fat and blubberly, dripping with artery clogging grease! 😲
Try it and see for yourself: Stop eating all red meat for 30 days. Just eat fish (not breaded), vegatables and fruits. Then after 30 days go out and eat a steak. Not only will it taste blubberly, but your body will start feeling bad afterwards. 😳