id noticed that youd "just" joined and seemed to be able to post
without moderation! youve asked for help and some kind offers were
made. i checked your games to find out if youd actually taken up any
of the offers! i was considering maybe offering UNTIL i saw your game
RHP.! if they teach you well then YOU WILL GO FAR ON RHP.!
HOWEVER IVE FOUND THAT some new nicks claiming that they cant
play. actually are experts fainting weakness then KILL at the end.i
have my hands full at the moment with a few! best of luck on rhp! ps.
ive added youre nick to my buddy list so i can veiw your games. ive
played some of the nicks and know of the others. it will be most
interesting to veiw the outcomes! sorry i cant help you at the moment
with a game but you are now playing some of best !
Mr. Stevens sir: I would be most gratefull if a player of your calibre
would condescend and play a most humble wood-pusher like myself! I
use the nick I do cause of the irony! Please challenge me to a game
(two would be preferable, one of each color) as I understand that you
are not taking on new games.
It appears as though your LUCKY win against me has caused you to
forget how to spell your name! I recall your name on my many
scoresheets as "Krammnik", not "Kramnik". Keep in mind that I am
still the highest rated player in the world and will prove to you that
your victory was only a fluke in our rematch. That is if you've got the
guts to ever play me one! peristroyka! peristroyka!
If you think I spelled my name wrong, Mr. Weinstien, you obviously
need as much help on your spelling as you do your game. I've given
you enough lessons, and my victory over you was ample proof of my
vastly superior ability to play chess. As for this supposed challenge of
yours I've already attempted to start a game with you, but was denied
the opportunity to thoroughly trounce you again.(Something about
user at apecified limit) As I noticed that you were involved in only 14
games I began to wonder why you didn't want to play more? I then
remembered your mental capacity, or should I say deficiency, and
realized you may be playing too many for you to handle. Like I
already stated, I think I've given you enough lessons for awhile
although I may still be willing to give you a few more beatings for
Mother Russia's sake. Chess players like you give Russia a bad name
and I've been told to make sure you stay down! Yours Truly Kramnik🙂