Not avantgard, or anything too serious, I want to learn jazz and blues scales in order to be able to cool improvise (Until now I learnt just C Eb F F#G Bb blues scale but I made variations 30 minutes in length out of that), I also want to learn about jazz harmony... I know there are patterns and schemes to start with them... Any good book or something ? Where should I start ?
Originally posted by ivan2908Can't really help you, but good luck! I learned some jazz scales and harmonies during my music therapy studies (although it was only a very small part of our improvisation classes), but had a very hard time with it. I like to listen to it, but can't quite get into the flow when trying to play it myself. Of course being a better pianist would help.
Not avantgard, or anything too serious, I want to learn jazz and blues scales in order to be able to cool improvise (Until now I learnt just C Eb F F#G Bb blues scale but I made variations 30 minutes in length out of that), I also want to learn about jazz harmony... I know there are patterns and schemes to start with them... Any good book or something ? Where should I start ?
Originally posted by gregsflatGreat quote. I am about to learn piano Ugh..I need that kind of inspiratiion.
That's a good start, just wanting to do it. Now, here's something to remember: Charlie Parker once said, "Learn everything you can possibly know about music, then forget it all and just play."
I wish I had more "chops" at playing chess.
Originally posted by ivan2908Go live life, the blues and jazz will find you. It isn't in a book. That I can guarantee you.
Not avantgard, or anything too serious, I want to learn jazz and blues scales in order to be able to cool improvise (Until now I learnt just C Eb F F#G Bb blues scale but I made variations 30 minutes in length out of that), I also want to learn about jazz harmony... I know there are patterns and schemes to start with them... Any good book or something ? Where should I start ?
Not avantgard, or anything too serious, I want to learn chess and pawn scales in order to be able to cool improvise (Until now I learnt just e4 e2 f3 and j12 but I made variations 30 minutes in length out of that), I also want to learn about RHP forum harmony... I know there are patterns and schemes to start with them... Any good book or something ? Where should I start ? e4? ..🙂🙂
Originally posted by ivan2908what instrument?
Not avantgard, or anything too serious, I want to learn jazz and blues scales in order to be able to cool improvise (Until now I learnt just C Eb F F#G Bb blues scale but I made variations 30 minutes in length out of that), I also want to learn about jazz harmony... I know there are patterns and schemes to start with them... Any good book or something ? Where should I start ?
Originally posted by badmoonWas that a threat to me?? 😲
Don't make fun of jazz. I mean it!
Oi laar, I like jazz! There's only one way to learn jazz - live it!
Listen to nothing else but it! Live it and listen to it day in and day out for 4 years, nothing else. Then when you listen to rock, pop and classical - then all that will sound dischordant!
That's the way to lern jazz laaa! 😉
Originally posted by Sam The Shamheroin would probably be more in the spirit of jazz. billie holiday, bird, sonny rollins, coltrane, miles davis...
Just gobble down a handful of Quaaludes and randomly run your fingers all over a saxophone's keys while blowing with all your might, everyone will think you're the next John Coltrane.