i would mock socialists by imposing a massively 'progressive' ratings tax system, whereby ratings points were taken from the high-rated (talented folk who had worked hard to acquire their skills and experience) and redistributed to the low-rated (others). those in the highest tax bracket (2000+) would be taxed 70% of any ratings points they earned. anyone who protested would be forcibly enrolled in the Re-education Clan. i'd rename the site CentralChessBureau. anyone wanting to start a clan or club or even a game would have to seek my permission by submitting forms in triplicate. the only avatars allowed would be pictures of me striking a heroic pose. non-subs would have exactly the same rights and privileges as subs, thereby removing any incentive to subscribe. the identity of the mods would not be known, their decisions would not be subject to appeal, and they would be accountable only to me. of course, ownership of the site would nominally be shared by all members equally. i would be more equal than anyone else, though.
I would change the forums a bit. One site I'm on requires you to pass a small grammar test before you have posting privileges. I'd have that for one of the forums. I'd have another forum with no moderation at all; if you don't like what's said there, don't go there. The only restriction would be no external links. I'd have a forum or two in which English is banned. LEET, Morse code, and binary would be acceptable, of course. I'd have a sniveling forum. All sniveling posts would be removed to that forum. Last but not least, I'd have a cemetary forum for subs only. That's where all the pulled threads and posts (that don't get moved to the sniveling forum) go.
I'll think of what else I'd do later.
Originally posted by Raven69seconded. also repeated annoying stupidity offense would earn a ban fast.
I would run it with an iron fist and ban anyone who complained. Letting them back after they either
a) write a sonnet dedicated to my greatness or
b) apologise and explain why they were wrong without using the letter "e"
Originally posted by pawnhandlerIt is not nice to try and get rid of poor popeye (duecer), or me. 😛
I would change the forums a bit. One site I'm on requires you to pass a small grammar test before you have posting privileges. I'd have that for one of the forums. I'd have another forum with no moderation at all; if you don't like what's said there, don't go there. The only restriction would be no external links. I'd have a forum or two in which Eng 't get moved to the sniveling forum) go.
I'll think of what else I'd do later.
I would cheat on my gramma test, and give popeye the answers. 😏
Originally posted by Very Rustycliques? you mean clans?
GET RID OF THE CLIQUES....That is where all the cancer starts! 😛
Seriously, I don't know that I would want the headaches that Russ & Chris must have on this site. One would also need a pretty thick skin, and not take things personal, which we (users) all seem to do, from what I have seen.