20 Apr 09
Ok, when i try to upload my logo, it says......All uploaded images must be in either GIF or JPG format. You can only upload images from your local computer. URLs to images will not work
Sorry, this file type is unsupported.
D:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\My Documents\My Pictures\doyle2.jpg
That's where i'm uploading from, and it's been resized, what am i doing wrong?
Originally posted by huckleberryhoundAre you sure it's saved as a JPG (not a JPEG or anything similiar)?
Ok, when i try to upload my logo, it says......All uploaded images must be in either GIF or JPG format. You can only upload images from your local computer. URLs to images will not work
Sorry, this file type is unsupported.
D:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\My Documents\My Pictures\doyle2.jpg
That's where i'm uploading from, and it's been resized, what am i doing wrong?
If it is a JPG, try saving it as GIF instead.