Originally posted by Swiss Tonihow is that possible?
User 520523. Banned at the dizzy rating heights of 75 - having had a rating as low as 1.
Originally posted by BlackampUser 520523 and User 520456 seem to have played many games together which were resigned after a few moves. Why would anyone do that?
seems to be a good mate of User 520456, who is at the dizzying heights of 437.
Originally posted by acb123do you want to start a few games against me and then resign them after 3 moves?
User 520523 and User 520456 seem to have played many games together which were resigned after a few moves. Why would anyone do that?
Originally posted by BlackampI'm surprised he's still here. 😲
seems to be a good mate of User 520456, who is at the dizzying heights of 437.
Originally posted by trev33As I said, what would be the point? Neither of them gained any ranking points. They were both provisionally ranked players. They just draw attention to themselves. I suppose they could be just one player, but why the silly games?
do you want to start a few games against me and then resign them after 3 moves?
Originally posted by acb123A lot of people find joy in pursuing pointless endevours.
As I said, what would be the point? Neither of them gained any ranking points. They were both provisionally ranked players. They just draw attention to themselves. I suppose they could be just one player, but why the silly games?
Originally posted by acb123neither of them got any ranking points? if they played 3 moves and it was a rated game they did regardless of it they were only provisional or not.
As I said, what would be the point? Neither of them gained any ranking points. They were both provisionally ranked players. They just draw attention to themselves. I suppose they could be just one player, but why the silly games?
Originally posted by trev33If you look at their graphs, they both went further down after each resignation. They would have been better off not playing at all.
neither of them got any ranking points? if they played 3 moves and it was a rated game they did regardless of it they were only provisional or not.
Originally posted by Swiss ToniMust've been using an engine from 1965.
User 520523. Banned at the dizzy rating heights of 75 - having had a rating as low as 1.