In Praise of Iron Monkey
Both the raw intelligence between his ears and the fire in his gut have been in evidence consistently in recent months... in his aggressive
campaign to almost singlehandedly promote a cause in which he deeply believes (establishing the Culture Forum) and in his restless
intolerance of real or imagined intellectual/behavioral contradiction (vis-a-vis yours truly's gratuitous threads and posts). These words
represent neither faint praise nor a left handed compliment. Why? Because now and then Monkey's been right on the money and his
personal challenge, irrespective of its motive, has accrued to my cumulative benefit. Also, because I recognize a kindred spirit that
was very much alive and well, flailing away at different time and place targets and windmills... seems like only a few short years ago.
Thanks, Dave.
Originally posted by Grampy Bobbybump.
In Praise of Iron Monkey
Both the raw intelligence between his ears and the fire in his gut have been in evidence consistently in recent months... in his aggressive
campaign to almost singlehandedly promote a cause in which he deeply believes (establishing the Culture Forum) and in his restless
intolerance of real or imagined intellectual/b ...[text shortened]... e targets and windmills... seems like only a few short years ago.
Thanks, Dave.
hi gramps, how's your day been?