Originally posted by jimslyp69Thats messed up. Was it Death by cop? Shouldn't we have the right to decide when we want to die? I always thought so. I've always believed that I should be able to choose when I want to die.
Strange topic, channel 4 England, started at 10 pm GMT.
'Kill me if you can'
Unique case of someone being found guilty of inciting their own death.
The date I've chosen so far is Sept. 20 2050.
I want to die in a way that when people read the newspaper, they will just think "What the F**k?!?!"
Like maybe being killed by a rabid anteater, which later explodes due to a grenade surgically implanted in its gall bladder, splattering dead anteater guts all over and killing several more people who die a week later from the bio-engineered form of rabies it was carrying.
Originally posted by widgetI doubt you could die from spam, i suppose you prefer PB&J to the spamwich, man's greatest invention?
I think overdosing on SPAM might be more memorable.
Or did you die of that already? Or was it just brain damage?
I was wondering how long it would take someone to respond to my icon more than my post, it was bound to happen sometime, I'm surprised it lasted this long. I was eating spam one day (coincidentally the day after the "bashing"😉 and thought a picture of spam would really piss some people off for no reason.
Now this post was slightly spam, but I was semi-serious with the last one.
Originally posted by CanadaguyBy then we should have even better drugs.
If 45 years of bad living haven't killed me by then, I'll be sure to finish the job. At that time I'll 72 years old. I'll try an overdose of LSD. What a way to go.
Who needs that psychadelic crap when by 2050 we'll have something much more ghard-core.
Oh I can't wait...
Originally posted by Canadaguynope-it was about a teenager who created an intenet chatroom and spawned dozens of identities on it. using these identites he managed to persuade the only other (only other?), completly unwitting user to stab him to death.
Was it Death by cop?
he survived though, and both are under supervision orders, only allowed to use the internet supervised, and are never allowed to meet again.
can't find a proper article on it, but this is C4's blurb;