to initiate the exchange of queens early in a game?
I'm more confident in my ability to set a mating net with the minor pieces, etc, especially if I don't have to watch out for the
other guy's queen. I've always jumped at a chance to swap queens, especially if it forces the other guy to capture my queen with
his king, taking away his chance to castle. But somewhere I got the impression that forcing a queen exchange early is bad
manners. Is it?
It's also VERY rude to take someone's queen with anything of lower
rank that a rook. Far better to give up YOUR piece to THEIR queen
than make the faux pas of capturing with an inferior piece.
At least this is what I've always been told by players better than me;
and they MUST be better, they keep beating me!
But seriously, since the point of chess is to win the game, and you feel
that trading queens gives YOU a better chance of beating your foe,
well do what you've got to do.
If your opponent whines, take their rooks too!
Im quite sure I was in the nuthouse the whole 20 years I spent
married to your boyfriend. Oh ho hum, Im a highschool drop out,
boring xenophobe, everyone knows that by now. exactly 8 and three
quarters of a years education, lucky me. It made me able to read
your infantile words. But the twenty years with your buddy, made me
able to read you. xxxx ;>