I watched the remake of Total Recall last week. Never was there a more disapointed audience. It got me thinking; it's been a while since I enjoyed a really good film. There seams to be a void of imiagination or creative writing or something at present with the film makers. Or maybe ageing means expecting more?
Originally posted by yo its meIt might be it takes several years for creative juices to recharge, meanwhile, schlok comes out. Maybe next it will be 'Total Amnesia'🙂
I watched the remake of Total Recall last week. Never was there a more disapointed audience. It got me thinking; it's been a while since I enjoyed a really good film. There seams to be a void of imiagination or creative writing or something at present with the film makers. Or maybe ageing means expecting more?
-Removed-'Why did I bother?'; I asked myself that same question! There wasn't much choice and I had time to kill. I saw the Sweeney ad- yep, totally agree with you there. That Kira Knightly film had a bad press and I can't even remember what the other choices were, Ted (I think?). The ticket was £8 - but I wouldn't have minded that if it had been enjoyable.
Originally posted by yo its me"... and I had time to kill."
'Why did I bother?'; I asked myself that same question! There wasn't much choice and I had time to kill. I saw the Sweeney ad- yep, totally agree with you there. That Kira Knightly film had a bad press and I can't even remember what the other choices were, Ted (I think?). The ticket was £8 - but I wouldn't have minded that if it had been enjoyable.[/b]
One of the worst sentences in the English Language. Why on earth would any person in his/her right mind kill it? It's all we have. Clock's ticking...
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyOccasionally there is time with a vacancy in it, between time filled and a certain nominated time to be filled. And such was a particular evening last week. It happens!
[b]"... and I had time to kill."
One of the worst sentences in the English Language. Why on earth would any person in his/her right mind kill it? It's all we have. Clock's ticking...[/b]
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyTotschlagen von Erich Fried
[b]"... and I had time to kill."
One of the worst sentences in the English Language. Why on earth would any person in his/her right mind kill it? It's all we have. Clock's ticking...[/b]
erst die Zeit
dann eine Fliege
dann vielleicht eine Maus
dann möglichst viele Menschen
dann wieder die Zeit
my translation:
killing by Erich Fried
first time
then a fly
then maybe a mouse
then as many humans as possible
then time again