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an explanation would be appreciated ! it would be great to know and
understand the reason for the bann. i understand that evidence of
misconduct or allegations can be produced.i also understand that new
moderators have taken over and i request chrismo or russ to
moderate this post please!

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New moderators have not taken over. There are more people with
moderator access than just CXhris and Russ as it speeds the process
of pushing the posts through.

As to the IRC, I'm not sure who moderates that - VampireMan
provided the service, so he would be the best person to ask. I'm not
an IRC savvy person, so I can't see anyone on there to ask at the
moment. If I come accross someone before I log off, I'll try and get
an answer.

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I explained on IRC that i was investigating the complaint stevens.
Now .. only the nick of stevens was banned & you know that.
I have removed the nick ban for now. Untill i finish looking into the
complaint. If it effects you i will let you know.

As for who moderated the RHP room , I moderated it , an IRC robot
moderate it & my Co-net Admin moderates it. If me & the co-net
admin are not about other have the power to moderate the room if

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thank you vampireman its a tiresome task that you personally
perform for the benefit of rhp. the bann affected my isp and ive been
unable to connect once you lifted it .im in thanks im off to make my
moves now thanks. im sure when you investigate further you will find
that ive done no wrong only chatted to my friends! i know you told me
but that was a week ago ive been patienly waiting .but my friends
have ask why!!!! they cant not understand it. i know that you will get to
the bottom of this matter and im sorry that you have to go to so much
effort!once again thankyou!

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The reason you have been banned is because of the abuse you have
caused and said. The private emails that you sent to me were rude,
vulgar, and threatening...the bad thing is is that I cannot forward
them because you were smart enough to use an anonymizer. "Babe"
and I have only talked and were becoming good friends when you
started all of this. Now I do not even go to the chat
anymore...because of you. This is sad because of the help I can give
other players that go there for fun, learning , and to make friends.


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ah so it was you! ive never been told just who i sent an "email" to! not
officially that is. strange that.yes we chatted and were organising a
game as i recall.??????????? strange that you say that you dont go
there anymore either.??? hey we chatted in the room only 10 hours
ago there abouts. remember! the room logs verify this. there was
vampireman,derf,babe,and kitty there! yes stevens is still
banned ?????you say you cant produce the email. im not surprised i
never keep copies myself either! hmm i dont disbelieve you about the
email! but believe me i was NOT the author!! are you sure! that it was
from stevens! there is another nick here called stevens 1 which isnt
me. anyway to be able to email you through redhot pawn i would
needed to have started a game with you.i do not have your private
email address.i havent played you. my game ids prove this! if i sent
you an email via redhotpawn why didnt you just forward it .then and
there to rhp direct! the instructions for doing this come with every rhp
email??? why?????????

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master cheat (stevens i think) I have seen some messages of yours
in the forums before they were originally shut down and yes it is
beyond a joke some of the stuff you say, But it isnt just you i was like
that also when i first started i was always having a go at
IMPROVISATORE until i challenged him now we get on fine.
Just ignore people if they r obnoxious towards you or tell chris or
ruzz man to do some thing about it or this vampire man(hello and
thanx for the irc) dont start dissin them and acting like them
(CHILDISH).And what you said about the e-mail is correct you do need
a game going to e-mail people caus i some times e-mail
improvisatore, but if you have had a game in the past you will still be
able to e-mail people caus the link is still there.
Ryan James ESQ
hope to here from you soon.

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.im sorry that you joined only a short time ago. master cheat &
stevens are one! its written in my profile and was announced in the
forums. my profile remains unchanged from the day i first joined.you
asked me in the room"why does a master cheat?? " i answered only a
master knows how to cheat!" well this matter is one of many reasons
for being MASTER CHEAT. but the real reason is to be able to play
rated chess in public with others without being worried about stevens!
or the ratings.every body that ive played on this nick know just WHO
THEY ARE PLAYING WITH!! and the chess! well lets say stevens ratings
are in for a severe beating in the future.im glad im taking a short
break.ive got some studying to do!

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as always thankyou tom! ive never played you but weve met on the
forums before. i still cant forget that night. gosh it was one of the
most enjoyable evenings ive had on rhp. thanks.!

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