the pots go here
the skillets go there
all the lids go in places the sun has never shown
dry goods in the top of the pantry
oil and shortening on the bottom shelf
canine pharmaceuticals and kibble in one place
canned nutrition in another
i have way too many chef's knives
not enough patience
and cutting board cleanliness is a conundrum
more spices than i could ever use
and whatever possessed me to buy ground cardamom instead of pods is a demon i've nourished since birth
i like cajun everything
yer pancakes will be dusted with cayenne
i have three "plates" that i regularly eat from in a rotation
one of my favorite bowls is a stainless steel dog dish that my pup morpheus ate out of for ten years
he passed, now it's mine
i use it for rice and sometimes cereal
i prefer wooden utensils to stainless steel
i like glass instead of plastic bowls
plastic sporks have their place, the best use is ear scratching
i save cooking oil and use it several times before pouring it on fire ant hills
stuff that might mold goes in the far back of the refrigerator with all the other molded stuff
i will eat moldy cheese
you prolly didn't want to know that
tough tiddy
there's more, but i can see yer eyes glazing over
@rookie54 saidDo you mean like Blue Cheese or actually cheese that's gone a little green around the edges?
the pots go here
the skillets go there
all the lids go in places the sun has never shown
dry goods in the top of the pantry
oil and shortening on the bottom shelf
canine pharmaceuticals and kibble in one place
canned nutrition in another
i have way too many chef's knives
not enough patience
and cutting board cleanliness is a conundrum
more spices than i could ever ...[text shortened]... ou prolly didn't want to know that
tough tiddy
there's more, but i can see yer eyes glazing over
Obese tins go on the bottom shelves where they can’t warp the shelving.
Beans, rices, seeds, lentils and oats form an orderly queue and are imprisoned in the dark lower cupboard until a shiny, display glass jar becomes vacant.
Any oil from sardine cans or frying gets poured over tissue paper in the china McDonald’s Christmas mug which is emptied every other Monday. Oil is never thrown down the sink.
Only the most attractive looking fruit gets to languish in the wooden fruit bowl on the window sill.
Lindt chocolate bars need special protection and are safely hidden at the back of the spices store.
Greasy, tarnished oven trays are kept out of sight in the greasy neglected oven.
The best Denby dishes are NEVER allowed out to play without authorisation from the Kitchen Manager.
Toe and fingernail scissors and nail-file are stored with the Paracetamol and Ibuprofen in a Tupperware box on the shelf below the spare light bulbs shelf.
Dog poo bags are stored under the sink with a wide range of cleaning solutions, some which rarely leave their home.
@rookie54 saidKitchen organization is what I do when I need to sort out a problem or make plans. It keeps my hands busy. This kitchen is so organized, every grain of salt in the shaker points exactly to the north star, the floor is so clean it squeaks, and God help the canned goods if they're even a micron out of perfect alignment.
the pots go here
the skillets go there
all the lids go in places the sun has never shown
dry goods in the top of the pantry
oil and shortening on the bottom shelf
canine pharmaceuticals and kibble in one place
canned nutrition in another
i have way too many chef's knives
not enough patience
and cutting board cleanliness is a conundrum
more spices than i could ever ...[text shortened]... ou prolly didn't want to know that
tough tiddy
there's more, but i can see yer eyes glazing over
What a silly, obsessive creature I am. 😲
@mchill saidLOL.....Good one for the Jokes Thread! 🙂
Kitchen organization is what I do when I need to sort out a problem or make plans. It keeps my hands busy. This kitchen is so organized, every grain of salt in the shaker points exactly to the north star, the floor is so clean it squeaks, and God help the canned goods if they're even a micron out of perfect alignment.
What a silly, obsessive creature I am. 😲