1. Name a language in which 'Brazil' is spelt with a 'z'.
2. Name a language in which the most powerful piece on the chess board is NOT called 'the
lady' or 'the woman'. (By which I mean European chess, not shougi or any other game)
I will not accept English, Scots, or any other very close cousin of English as answers.
Thanks. I didn't know the answer, it just struck me as odd that we spell 'Brazil' with a 'z' in
English (the Brazilians don't!) and that in many languages, the queen in chess and on playing
cards is known as 'the lady'. Eg: in German, 'Koenigin' means 'queen', very similar to Dutch
- but I've never seen it used to mean the chess piece or the playing card.
I'm guessing the Dutch for 'king' is 'koning' - so how would the chess move 'KxQ' be written
in Dutch?