How about you? Is your rating much higher than the one here? What do you think is the reason for that?
In my personal case, I have tried to make moves from work - and my boss or some other diphead has come up in the middle of the process! ðŸ˜
So I found myself making a quick move and closing out of the internet. In a recent game against Redmike, Game 1397534
Okay... I guess that I should NEVER-EVER AGAIN try to make moves from my office <sigh>
So tell us... What's YOUR excuse!?
Originally posted by arrakisuhhhh ... the sun was in my eyes ...
How about you? Is your rating much higher than the one here? What do you think is the reason for that?
In my personal case, I have tried to make moves from work - and my boss or some other diphead has come up in the middle of the process! ðŸ˜
So I found myself making a quick move and closing out of the internet. In a recent game against Redmike, [gid]13 ...[text shortened]... NEVER-EVER AGAIN try to make moves from my office <sigh>
So tell us... What's YOUR excuse!?
i keep thinking about that one game i destroyed this player over 2100, i keep smiling and forget that i just moved in 80 games and totally didnt even pay attention to any of the moves i made, find out i blundered 3 queens, 4 rooks, 5 knights, 6 pawns, and some dumba** must be my ego i guess that makes me make the dumb moves i make lol.. 🙂
Originally posted by arrakisnot enough of my opponents time out
How about you? Is your rating much higher than the one here? What do you think is the reason for that?
In my personal case, I have tried to make moves from work - and my boss or some other diphead has come up in the middle of the process! ðŸ˜
So I found myself making a quick move and closing out of the internet. In a recent game against Redmike, [gid]13 ...[text shortened]... NEVER-EVER AGAIN try to make moves from my office <sigh>
So tell us... What's YOUR excuse!?