Dear Julia and Sinner in this worrying time, my love is with you both .. Janey xxx
Antwerp, Belgium
Thank you Janey!
what's up? is someone ill?
My brother is fighting for his life on intensive care. Julia
Slightly Left :D
Mine and Beck's prayers are with your brother and your family. Dave
Thank you Dave, I appreciate! Julia
No prob...I just wish I could do more. @-<---<---- Dave
With White Women
Sorry to hear, JUlia. Know you 've got the whole community behind and for you. Your friend, Kirk
St Maarten, Neth Ant
Julia, keep your head up and don't give up the hope. God Bless You and your Brother! Harri Eloranta, Luck
Lyn, My thoughts are with and your brother. God Bless you both! Harri, hopefully sharing some Luck for your family!
Charleston SC. USA
Julia, My prayers are for you and your brother today. John
Julia,Gil,we are all here for all of you. Keep the faith,Lyn.
a bit closer please
Julia, My thoughts and wishes are with your brother and you. Michael
Julia Best wishes to your brother, yourself, and your family. Our prayers are with you. -ww-
Julia, My prayers are with you. Sorry for not saying so earlier. God bless you, Doug
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