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'Make sure the juice....'

'Make sure the juice....'


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'Make sure the juice.... '

At one point in a recent conversation my brother said, "I was discussing something with a man the other day, and he said 'Make sure the juice is worth the squeeze'." My brother didn't elaborate on the topic or context of their discussion or what he thought the man was driving at with the metaphorical phrase. Frankly, I'm pleasantly stumped. Any ideas on what this interesting phrase may mean?


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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]'Make sure the juice.... '

At one point in a recent conversation my brother said, "I was discussing something with a man the other day, and he said 'Make sure the juice is worth the squeeze'." My brother didn't elaborate on the topic or context of their discussion or what he thought the man was driving at with the metaphorical phrase. Frankly, I'm pleasantly stumped. Any ideas on what this interesting phrase may mean?

Um... the energy you put into solving a problem should not be greater than the solution to the said problem (?)

I guess experience would count for a lot here ...

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Um... the energy you put into solving a problem should not be greater than the solution to the said problem (?)

I guess experience would count for a lot here ...
That could be one instance. I feel it means be sure the time, effort, work etc, are worth the final reward. It could be a highly personal goal that is worth more than anything to one's self.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Any ideas on what this "interesting phrase" may mean?

Certainly nothing that's been posted in the GF for the last year. 😕 😉
(See reply to Karoly)

4 edits


On first look I too assumed the guy's phrase meant "count the cost first", "don't put a pound in to get an ounce back" or some such caution against getting involved with dime a dozen hairbrained / net sum zero gain schemes.

More I thought about it the more I dismissed these possibilities as being too obvious and, therefore, insulting to my brother's intelligence and entrepreneurial savvy (acquired early and honed during many decades of successful business ventures in highly competitive Boston area markets). Doubt Ken would have even taken the time to mention his conversation unless the 'juice squeeze' phrase also triggered his curiosity. That's when the idea of going with this open ended question as an incidental thread on the gf fount of wisdom dawned. Let's probe a few plys deeper before crying uncle and leaving the minor mystery unsolved.


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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby

On first look I too assumed the guy's phrase meant "count the cost first", "don't put a pound in to get an ounce back" or some such caution against getting involved with dime a dozen hairbrained / net sum zero gain schemes.

More I thought about it the more I dismissed these possibilities as being too obvious and, therefore, insulting to my broth ...[text shortened]... a few plys deeper before crying uncle and leaving the minor mystery unsolved.

There are of course the sexual ramifications, which would mean that when one is by one's self... [text moderated]... but DON'T do it until it breaks off.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]'Make sure the juice.... '

At one point in a recent conversation my brother said, "I was discussing something with a man the other day, and he said 'Make sure the juice is worth the squeeze'." My brother didn't elaborate on the topic or context of their discussion or what he thought the man was driving at with the metaphorical phrase. Frankly, I'm pleasantly stumped. Any ideas on what this interesting phrase may mean?

I have always interpreted that saying to mean, make sure you absolutely want it, before you go after it, or "be careful before you take that road".

As an example, if you like a girl that already has a boyfriend, be prepared for the ass kicking that could probably be forthcoming.

In my experience it is usually meant as a threat of some sort to denote hidden dangers.


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby

On first look I too assumed the guy's phrase meant "count the cost first", "don't put a pound in to get an ounce back" or some such caution against getting involved with dime a dozen hairbrained / net sum zero gain schemes.

More I thought about it the more I dismissed these possibilities as being too obvious and, therefore, insulting to my broth ...[text shortened]... a few plys deeper before crying uncle and leaving the minor mystery unsolved.

Maybe you're overestimating your brother. I think he just shares your fondness for slogans and cliches.


Originally posted by HandyAndy
Maybe you're overestimating your brother. I think he just shares your fondness for slogans and cliches.


It could also be a remark about O.J.Simpson. 😕

2 edits

Originally posted by HandyAndy

Maybe you're overestimating your brother. I think he just shares your fondness for slogans and cliches.
Oct 09 2011 19:06
Subject juice

I was discussing something with a man the other day, and he said " make sure the juice is worth the squeeze.


Verbatim comments, Andy. Take all the shots you want at me, to your heart's content, but please don't ascribe motives or impugn the character of other people (in this case my family member) whom you've never met much less come to know. Thank you.



Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Oct 09 2011 19:06
Subject juice

I was discussing something with a man the other day, and he said " make sure the juice is worth the squeeze.


Verbatim comments, Andy. Take all the shots you want at me, to your heart's content, but please don't ascribe motives or impugn the character of other people (in this case my family member) whom you've never met much less come to know. Thank you.

I was merely stating my honest opinion, Bobby.

I apologize to you and your brother for any discomfort it may have caused.



Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Oct 09 2011 19:06
Subject juice

I was discussing something with a man the other day, and he said " make sure the juice is worth the squeeze.


Verbatim comments, Andy. Take all the shots you want at me, to your heart's content, but please don't ascribe motives or impugn the character of other people (in this case my family member) whom you've never met much less come to know. Thank you.

I haven't been here very long, but long enough to see any ribbing you take is nearly begged for. If you don't want people taking shots at you or your family don't post about it in a public forum.

Just some friendly advice from a new user who took some time to read through a page or two of your 'posting style'.


Originally posted by HelmetCam68
I haven't been here very long, but long enough to see any ribbing you take is nearly begged for. If you don't want people taking shots at you or your family don't post about it in a public forum.

Just some friendly advice from a new user who took some time to read through a page or two of your 'posting style'.
Such an incisive and helpful post. Thank you.


Originally posted by HelmetCam68
I haven't been here very long, but long enough to see any ribbing you take is nearly begged for. If you don't want people taking shots at you or your family don't post about it in a public forum.

Just some friendly advice from a new user who took some time to read through a page or two of your 'posting style'.
You need to tighten up your chin strap. 😕

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