I cannot believe this!
I have taken more days of from playing this month than I ever done since i joined this site and I am ranked asd third in the MAP of the Month.
Either you guys are not playing or I am crazy because I play too much!
I have been critizised by few players because i am loosing against them despite they are having lower rankings.
I am sorry if I am not providing the proper challenge against you. I do take my time when I am playing really highly ranked players. Let me know if you want me to play seriously against you (all my games are serious, but I am not spending the time that I should for all the games), if you do that, I will skip your games first and try to analyze the situation a little bit more.
I do not want to offend anyone by loosing and not providing the challenge as you expected, I really don't care if I did not win a single game (not true), but almost, I play beause I like to play, not for the rating. If your rasting is high, I will try to put some skills in my games. If you don't let me know when your rating is lower than your sskill level, I will play fast and you can beat me easily, but it would not (perhaps) what you are looking for. Especially for you guys who are not Pawn Stars and would like to play to enhance your skilss, let me know. I will try to put in more effort in our games.
Also, I am claiming the T/O unless I am informed in advance about the delay ot if the "vacation" is used, only once I have claimed T/O against a player when I said I would not. I did wait an extra month and I have not "seen" the player since!
Remember, I am just a average player, since you guys understand math/stats, you know that it does not exist. LOL Sometimes my rating goes high because I have been winning several games, but most of my usual opponents are commonly rated below 1400, so my skills' level is often below my rating!
I do want to play fast, I do not use any literature in my games (no time), I have made as many as about 900 moves on my busiest day and about 4000 moves per week when vaknso's crown was in jeopardy! Long live the KING and defeat the thuggs!
I will slow down my games even more since I am a parents of a couple of teenagers, I work full-time, and I am studying full-time!
This starts after next week!