Originally posted by StarValleyWythat people, as a rule, don't look outside their tiny little world. They take opinions that they are given about other people and cultures without bothering finding them out for themselves.
What part of todays world dissappoints you the most? Why?
Also, that as 'civilised' that people like to think they are I see time & time again that they are only conforming to the rules because they are afriad of the concequences. Take away the concequences & many many (most?) people revert to being selfish, greedy animals.
Originally posted by StarValleyWyTop of the list has got to be humans.Sorry,but think about it.
What part of todays world dissappoints you the most? Why?
The reason why is we call ourseleves social,but that is only in social situations.If we have to compete in a fuel shortage,or a bread shortage,or have to compete in any way,then we show our true colours.We are not social then.We are animals.
Originally posted by missleadLyn,
Top of the list has got to be humans.Sorry,but think about it.
The reason why is we call ourseleves social,but that is only in social situations.If we have to compete in a fuel shortage,or a bread shortage,or have to compete in any way,then we show our true colours.We are not social then.We are animals.
If we could only find a reason to share. You are right. But there is hope that someday we will see the starving people in bangladesh and africa and give a little more. Thanks.
I agree with misslead: humans. Not only do we dissapoint, but we sicken, sadden, disgust and strike with grief.
Recently in some city here in Australia, a gang attacked and beat a man carrying a five-week-old baby. The baby's skull was fractured. Ordinary robbers would have waited for the next victim. These guys?
They show us how awful humans are.
Originally posted by StarValleyWyPoliticians are often a great dissappointment to me. They seem more concerned about keeping their job than doing their job! Also, I have great respect when one is honest with where they stand and look out for the people instead of themselves.
What part of todays world dissappoints you the most? Why?
The selfishness of individuals also disturb me. We should have a servants heart and consider how what we do may affect others and the world around us.
I'll bet that everyone expressing disappointment here at the human race would turn pretty nasty themselves if they got hungry enough. It strikes me as ridiculous to be disappointed at our own intrinsic nature: we ARE animals, and lots of animals kill for a living. we are part of nature, red of tooth and claw - how can we be 'disappointed' to find we are what we are?
Originally posted by dfm65You took the words right out of my mouth David.
I'll bet that everyone expressing disappointment here at the human race would turn pretty nasty themselves if they got hungry enough. It strikes me as ridiculous to be disappointed at our own intrinsic nature: we ARE animals, and lots of animals kill for a living. we are part of nature, red of tooth and claw - how can we be 'disappointed' to find we are what we are?