IT CANNOT BE DONE NOW! it shows up for all to see.thats right i did it
on such a grand scale that something had to be done! why because i
dissapprove of it! THATS RIGHT DISAPPROVE,! i saw it being done by instead of just doing it bit by bit as the other were i went
grandscale so it would show up ! TO HAVE ANY REAL IMPACT ON A
CERTAIN RATING! it had to be done in batches of no less than 10
games! we had at the time PRIVATE GAMES. this gave the perfect
cover. NOW AFTER THE CHANGES! all games except unrated private
are made public by default! NOW! we have 2 player search available!
NOW! we have every move made on redhot pawn made available!
NOW. we have available everbodies game list.!! thats right with
pateince you can see who is playing who.! SO I CHALLENGE EVERY
ONE ! IF someone can figure out a way of having ten games against
one nick going for the purpose of inflation let me know. of cause it
cant be found out! OH and dont forget about the CHAT ROOM! players
do talk about these matters there thought about 1 game per
nick! but to be effective you would need to use at least 15 -20
nicks.MAKE IT LOOK LIKE you had i big games list. you could before!
but NOT NOW.! before you could loggin by multitasking many nicks at
the same time BUT NOT ANYMORE.! i think chrismo was very clever to
it cant be done anymore.!
NO IT ISNT.! all inflated points were passed on some 4-500 rhps.were
raised and many rhp members now have them.! ive kept none for
myself! it was a great excercise tho. having not understood the maths
behind the rating system it was good to see it work in practise.! it also
highlighted the practise of "selective" playing. that is always playing
nicks that you can beat. MAGGOTEER in his post explains it well
probally better than myself. it was also away of seeing matters from
the top looking down! also from the bottom looking up. many only
see things from where they are half way inbetween. looking up.