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Multiple ID's and Boosting Ratings

Multiple ID's and Boosting Ratings


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There have been many comments made on this practice and I totally
agree that the only person you are really cheating is yourself. I have
used a number if ID's, two of which are currently involved in games.
Golden Fleece and Thorn will retire. I would like to apologise to players
here that I have misled. It was tempting to keep Thorn but there were
too many games won against GF. I admit cheating by using multiple
ID's but have NEVER used a program. Again, my apologies to all.

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I applaud you for your courage and candor!

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I second that applaude. John

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SORRY MARTINS ! i knew you were still on site. but didnt know just
who.had my suspicions about golden fleece tho. it doesnt matter
tho.my offer to martins still stands.! multiple nicks??? maybe a thing
of the past now.! it was the only way of staying alive on rhp.back then.
something the newcomers dont understand.! no one cheats with multi
nicks if it is for the desire of playing more chess. i started using
multinicks INSTEAD OF GOING TO ANOTHER SITE. as a means of
playing more chess! i see no harm in this.! BUT ONE THING IM SURE
OF! the actual chess games themselves ( THE MOST IMPORTANT
PART) have by you,myself. and many others have been played FAIR
AND SQUARE! ratings dont matter its the game that counts.!

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I'm not a great player. I play for fun. I'm sorry to hear you high rated
guys have to use multiple nicks to get a game. I've played bessyboo,
opposition and nightmare nj and many more. Some games I just fell
on my face and did not offer muck competion. Others, Igave them a
fight for their one or two point rating boost. As I said in my profile a
while back, Chess is a game I like to win at and a gome I love to
play. John

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And I must applaud John! He gave me two great games as well as
some lovely coversation through the whole thing. A true chess player.
We ever going to play again?


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I FEEL I SHOULD EXPLAIN SOMETHING HERE! yes you play for fun! but
you are very GOOD PLAYER! i know this because i have played you.
you declined games from stevens. why? you were one of the primary
reasons for my multi nicks.! when i played you wow! they were hard as
any! ive played. but you started playing a "certain player" not once but
many times.YOU PLAYED LIKE A ROOKIE! yet played as hard as could
be against me.! did you go around playing game after game to keep
your rating up .yes you did! winning and winning.! then played poorly
against a certain player. end results were the same.the ratings of a
certain player just went up.you werent the only player to do this! but i
accidenty saw a board with a message on it. ILL HELP YOU BECOME
NO...... well that was it then. i saw red !! IF A PLAYER SUCH AS VAKNSO
would do this then. hell why shouldnt 1. the idea of an excellent player
going around winning against weaker players and then playing poorly
to boost ratings had to be stopped.that certain player at the time
agreed with this! i thought that the ratings if they were high enough
might discouarage players from playing poorly! so i had points and
passed them on. you stopped but others didnt. you received all your
losted points back. hell ratings dont mean much do they.PLEASE NOTE
i dont hold you responsible for my actions. as many did the same.

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Let me tell you the way it it. Since I joined Red Hot Pawn back in July,
Have you ever seen my rating above 1379? NO! Yes sometimes I play
very well. Ask Opposition, Monkeyman and Rhymester and
Unexperienced Player. I know you have a dispute with "babe". That is
between you and babe. Leave me out of it. I tried to beat babe as
hard as I try to beat all the folk I play against. I lose games to
players rated below 1200. I've won games against some rated above
1500. I've played against one player I knew could easily whoop me.
He did. I rematched knowing it would help him get his high rating back
after losing lots of game to a timeouts because of an absence. I lose
many games, I win about an equal number from luck, timeouts or
Reread my post. I am not saying anything derogatory about you. I
am not degrading you. I am not pointing a finger of accusation at you.
I TRY TO WIN ALL MY GAMES. Thank you for letting me get an insight
into your perspective at what is happening at Red Hot Pawn. com.
My "Second Home at Home"

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Have you ever really looked at their writing styles?? Same person.
Battery showed all of this to me and I went back through every post.
There is no denying it. Just forget it and move on. I know I am.


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has it ever entered your great chess genius mind that people born
and bred and educated to the same level in the same system on a
small island in a small country will sound alike. Especially growing up
not too distant from one another. Oh yes, also, there has been
evidence offered before to many others on here. Pictures of me,
pictures of him, and pictures of both of us together. Please get on
with your trivial little life and stay out of ours. We both come here to
play chess. What do you come here for? I think a few of us on here
know. A question was asked yesterday by two other members of this
site. They asked if Battery was you?? We know you fool around with
other nicknames. So prove that you two arent one and the same.

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Let's break this down.

<has it ever entered your great chess genius mind that people born
and bred and educated to the same level in the same system on a
small island in a small country will sound alike>

Thank you for noting the "great chess genius mind" although it does
not really apply since I cannot make a living off of it. As for the
rest...I do not imply that "accents" are not uncommon to a certain
area..lord knows my southern one has stuck even though I
moved...but two people who "type" alike...and show so much
similarities is an oddity.

<Especially growing up not too distant from one another>

So you had the same typing teacher in school? That is why you both
use lower case the majority of the time...the multiple !!! and ??? It is
pretty obvious. I see you tring to hide it now...but it still shows.

<Oh yes, also, there has been evidence offered before to many
others on here. Pictures of me, pictures of him, and pictures of both of
us together.>

What do pictures have to do with it? I never implied he was not a real
person...just the fact that you are trying to play some maniacal game.

<Please get on with your trivial little life and stay out of ours>

Trivial? I go to work everyday...do you? And why is it "ours"?? I
thought you were not with him...but with Andy. Denounced that one
pretty quick didn't you.

<We both come here to play chess. What do you come here for? I
think a few of us on here know.>

I come here to play chess..you have other reasons as far as I can
tell...and the few that you think of are just in dire need of Zanax as
you are.

<A question was asked yesterday by two other members of this site.
They asked if Battery was you?? We know you fool around with other
nicknames. So prove that you two arent one and the same.>

Battery is some kid...and I am not the one in question when it comes
to that. Dropping games for other peoples ratings like you had to
come to the forefront and say. Check my games and you will only see
straight up play...can you say the same??

Trivial life...Ha!...They are on sale at Sears...please purchase one.


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Dave, i appreciate your need for a psycho-analyst, but really, on this

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My need "for" or "to" pyscho-analyze??

I do not have a degree in psychology or psychiatry...but as soon as
this was pointed out to me it was pretty clear. I have no clue why this
crap is happening...it just seems sad.

Like it was once said..one rotten apple will spoil the whole bunch.


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For someone you just referred to as a kid you seem to take their
point of view a bit seriously considering your previous post on Feb 23
at 21:12.

There are many lawyer and law enforcement wanna-be's but who

Just let the issue drop Dave and you and Battery keep the sleuthing
to yourselves. All of us will be happier in the long run.

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Comment noted.

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