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My New Smartphone/Tablet App: User Feedback

My New Smartphone/Tablet App: User Feedback



Market Validation Survey
Confidential Information / Seitse © 2014 All Rights Reserved

So, I am coding the ultimate smartphone app for tactile enjoyment of your favorite celebrity.

Basically, the app will portray a digital, hyper-realistic and animated, responsive-to-the-touch image of any person (Hugh Jackman, Charlize Theron, Lady Gaga, Stephen Hawking, etc.) laying in bed, viewed from above related to the perspective of the user.

The representation of the person will then respond with movement, gestures, and voice to the strokes of your fingers on the screen. The business model is freemium because the app is free to download though every time the user wishes to touch premium areas (e.g. chest in the case of female characters, or pubic area for both genders) the user must pay in exchange for time slots to fondle the aforementioned areas.

That's basically it. Thoughts? 🙂

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Originally posted by Seitse
[b]Market Validation Survey
Confidential Information / Seitse © 2014 All Rights Reserved

So, I am coding the ultimate smartphone app for tactile enjoyment of your favorite celebrity.

Basically, the app will portray a digital, hyper-realistic and animated, responsive-to-the-touch image of any person ([i]Hugh Jackman, Charlize Theron, Lady Ga ...[text shortened]... exchange for time slots to fondle the aforementioned areas.

That's basically it. Thoughts? 🙂[/b]
Will there be add-ons for other sensory actions, i.e., smellz?

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Will there be add-ons for other sensory actions, i.e., smellz?
I know that some manufacturers are working on such innovation, yet I do not think it is yet available.

What smells would you like to experience from your favorite celebrity?

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Originally posted by Seitse
I know that some manufacturers are working on such innovation, yet I do not think it is yet available.

What smells would you like to experience from your favorite celebrity?
You use Evian skin cream, and sometimes you wear L'Air du Temps, but not today.

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Originally posted by Seitse
[b]Market Validation Survey
Confidential Information / Seitse © 2014 All Rights Reserved

So, I am coding the ultimate smartphone app for tactile enjoyment of your favorite celebrity.

Basically, the app will portray a digital, hyper-realistic and animated, responsive-to-the-touch image of any person ([i]Hugh Jackman, Charlize Theron, Lady Ga ...[text shortened]... exchange for time slots to fondle the aforementioned areas.

That's basically it. Thoughts? 🙂[/b]
tell me if i got this right...

if i'm female, and want to play with a male celeb's "junk", i gotta pay for a "premium" time slot to do so...

if i'm male, and i wanna fondle a female's rack OR her portal to heaven, i gotta pony up...

it sounds to me like the guys are gonna be having to fork over twice the bread that the chicks do...
since, as a gender, in general, we guys tend to want a lot more than the ladies, it may turn out to cost a dude SERIOUS moola to play...

this does not suit my sense of fair play...
no, not at all...

level the playing field, por favor...

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Originally posted by ChessPraxis
You use Evian skin cream, and sometimes you wear L'Air du Temps, but not today.
You were doing fine. You had been courteous and receptive to courtesy.

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Originally posted by rookie54
pony up
Perfect name for my app.

How much would you charge per stroke?

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Originally posted by Seitse
Perfect name for my app.

How much would you charge per stroke?
Are the tips taxable?

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Originally posted by Seitse
You were doing fine. You had been courteous and receptive to courtesy.
Seitse, do you remember the Seals of Approval you awarded to a few deserving posts in this forum's heyday?
{SOA}... {{SOA}}... {{{SOA}}}

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Originally posted by Seitse
You were doing fine. You had been courteous and receptive to courtesy.
Uh oh, That's past tense. I flubbed it all up now and I have to start over.
Hi guys 😕


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Seitse, do you remember the Seals of Approval you awarded to a few deserving posts in this forum's heyday?[hidden][b]{SOA}... {{SOA}}... {{{SOA}}}[/hidden][/b]
Like this, you mean? Seitse Seal of Approval©

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Are the tips taxable?
Pure bitcoin. You tax only if you tell them.


Originally posted by Seitse
[b]Market Validation Survey
Confidential Information / Seitse © 2014 All Rights Reserved

So, I am coding the ultimate smartphone app for tactile enjoyment of your favorite celebrity.

Basically, the app will portray a digital, hyper-realistic and animated, responsive-to-the-touch image of any person ([i]Hugh Jackman, Charlize Theron, Lady Ga ...[text shortened]... exchange for time slots to fondle the aforementioned areas.

That's basically it. Thoughts? 🙂[/b]
Where in the heck is that eyeroll smiley we've been promised?


Originally posted by Suzianne
Where in the heck is that [b]eyeroll smiley we've been promised?[/b]
I've got four women in my immediate family who could readily offer expert field consultation, should the need arise.

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
I've got four women in my immediate family who could readily offer expert field consultation, should the need arise.
my dogs roll their eyes at me...

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