just before xmas a generous offer was made to rhp to use a chat
server! this server is a good chat server! it is hosted by a member of
rhp. already many members of rhp use this service! unfortunately ! im
personally aware that the " chat" is heavily " policed" by the owners
and their deputies! as all " chat" concerning rhp is to do with rhp. i
dont think that a "selected few" should be able to 1: edit 2: ban/kick
3: computer hack! 4: know of all logins 5: connection details ect
ect.ect. a "cheap" way of chating would be to name a chat room! that
interested members could join. its then possible to multitask,thus chat
and play chess at the same time! this is the way that quite a few
members use anyway. a rhp recommended "chat room" must be
available to all redhotpawn members without exception. the server
that was offered! well.if it was to be used. 1, is unavailable to myself.
this is due to "babes" connection. ( if i even use anyone of my
computers,( yes they know of my isp,connection details ect.) im
immediately " kicked & banned" not for miss behaviour. but because
the owners dont like me because "babe" is their personal friend! if this
is the same on all servers ?????????? can/could rhp insure freedom of
access to this server!!!!! for all members and not a selected few. if this
could be achieved then i think its a great idea!