Katie Holmes: I’m very happy.
Do you think that (her relationship with Tom Cruise) will overshadow the movie in some way?
Katie Holmes: I don’t care.
Can the press be annoying at times? When you’re in love, I’m sure you want to be left alone?
Katie Holmes: You know what? I’m just so happy and I’m happy when other people are happy and it’s exciting.
Can you talk about how the two of you met? One story is that Tom called you up and invited you to the office and there’s a story online that says that the two met at scientology meetings. So what’s the true story?
Katie Holmes: We went on a great date. He’s the most amazing man in the world.
Is it true that you had always dreamed about him when you were a kid? That you always wanted to go on a date with Tom Cruise?
Katie Holmes: I always wanted to marry Tom Cruise. (Laughs)
Do you laugh at these reports that you are engaged and ready to have kids and all this stuff?
Katie Holmes: I don’t see a lot of that stuff, but it’s all good. I’m so happy. I love him.
What does he bring to your life?
Katie Holmes: I feel like he’s made my life.
In what way?
Katie Holmes: He’s amazing. He’s kind. He’s generous. He’s smart. He’s Tom Cruise. He’s the most artistic man I ever met. He’s a joy. He makes me laugh like I never laughed.
Katie, would you consider working with Tom Cruise? There was a rumor that you were going to be in “Mission Impossible 3”. Is that still a possibility?
Katie Holmes: Well, I’m going to be on the set of “Mission Impossible 3”.
Why not do a part in the film?
Katie Holmes: Obviously, I would be honored to work with Tom, but right now, I love loving Tom.
Patricia Cornell: Oh, Frank, you're the best, you're the champ, you're the master...
One of my friends in "the know" who lives in Hollywood and works for a large film company swears on her Mother that Tom Cruise is gay and that all his relationships have been publicity shams. Even his marriage to Nicole Kidman. I'm not sure if I believe it but it is quite the coincidence how Tom's always grabbing girls who are, at the time, just beginning to blossom in their film careers - Nicole, Penelope, now Katie... Not to mention the fact that he always reveals his new relationships at opportune moments when surrounded by press. PDAs for the camera. It's all very strange...
Originally posted by darvlayIt is a bit disturbing. The theory I tend to support appeared just after Interview With a Vampire, which someone (I forget the name) suggested was not in fact a film, but a rolling behind-the-scenes documentary of Tom Cruise's actual life.
One of my friends in "the know" who lives in Hollywood and works for a large film company swears on her Mother that Tom Cruise is gay and that all his relationships have been publicity shams. Even his marriage to Nicole Kidman. I'm not sure if I believe it but it is quite the coincidence how Tom's always grabbing girls who are, at the time, just beginn ...[text shortened]... at opportune moments when surrounded by press. PDAs for the camera. It's all very strange...