I dare say this is something the ladies here can relate to more than the guys...
Ok. I went shopping today. On my way back home, I popped into the drugstore, where I saw this bodylotion I'd been looking for. It's "bebe Holiday skin" fyi... anyway, what's so special about it is that it's supposed to give you a light tan if you use it regularly. I went home, and decided to try right away. On the bottle it says that you will see first effects after 3-5 days if you use it every day. I figured what the heck, if it takes that long to work, there's not much you can do wrong.
I put on this body lotion. Quite a bit, too. I wasn't really paying attention while applying it, I'll admit much, but I though I was safe. So, I was done. I hopped around, half naked, for a while, waiting for it to seep into my skin. It took a while, my hands are still sticky. Well, after a while, I got dressed and went to my room to play on rhp, then I had some dinner, killed some time etc. Then... I looked at my legs. I thought "Hey, these look more tanned than before!". My mom said it must be the angle of the light. Then I looked at my arms. They, too, looked more tanned, but once again, I thought "The light". But then... then, I turned over my wrists. And there, on the underside of my arms, is a beautiful white stripe. There's one on each arm and it has little specks of brown in it where I did get some lotion, so it looks like I haven't washed for weeks.
I mean, wtf? I don't use the real self-tanning lotion because I'm scared of getting stripes, and now this? God, life's not fair 😞
Originally posted by angie88<grins> Gute hot Idee.
na gut, weil du's bist.
darling 😉
Lass uns mal auf deutsch mist reden und sex gelegentlich worte einstreuen, die jeder versteht und deshalb alle auf die Palme bringen 😀
Edit: Habe eigentlich nichts weiter Coconut hinzuzufügen, aber das macht ja nichts. Ich kann ja einfach Kevin irgendwelches Zeug brabbeln. 😀