1 day timeouts would test rhp members dedication totheir game and
to their opponent! swift and quick.set to british standard time the
results final/terminal.NO MUCKING AROUND! NO "I THINK I MIGHT
MAKE A MOVE" swift and quick. if you arent up to it DONT DO IT ! it
might not have worked before but players will have more time with the
reduction in game no.so i really cant see any problems. i also think
14,and 21 days should be axed. these will only take up game limits.
and retard progress.
It would be fine to ADD one day timeouts as an option, but please
don't get rid of the longer timeouts for those of us who NEED them.
Not everyone can get to their games every day, or even every week.
Of course if you point IS to clear out all of us "undedicated" players
from the site.....
And anyways, a 60 move(each) game at 21 days a move wouldn't
even take seven years to complete, what's the big deal? Why
between birth and death, that's just about your ten games! :>
im sorry i didnt mean to offend anyone with 14- 21 day timeouts!
from my experience 14-21 timeouts can mean exactly that.! wait 21
days for a move! the point that i was trying to make . was if a player
joined today took up 10 21 day timeout games would be probally be
within the hour with no moves to make for 21 days or able to take up
invites ,make challenges ect.how long would it be before the player
went else where to play.? i guess many wont be given the chance now
but some of the reasons for having 100 + games going is due to
longer timeouts.! playing 100+ games is okay (ive done it) provided
not everyone moves at once! many players have run into severe
trouble from this!. why a hundred games. well you do your 40-50
moves still have time to spare and take up another invite
it just grows then one day bam. everyone moves and you are busy.!!
xmas, easter, ect. timeouts galore ! rating tumbles no i think ten
games will be plenty!
Why not have just three day timeouts,that allows for having trouble
with your ISP or a day away etc.Then have a gentleman's agreement
when someone is away for any reason,as long as they tell their
opponents,you don't claim a win.If someone breaks the agreement
then you tell the forum and the rest of us boycott him/her/it.OR AM I