This is a really good movie! I don't know if anyone has posted about it, but I just saw it last wekk and I was very impressed. It isn't very long and at first there doesn't seem to be too much to it, but it is really terrifying!
I just realized I entititled this thread Open Boat when it should be Open Water!
Originally posted by Danger MouseIt is based on a true story, it happened of the coast of South Australia.
What I found strange is that they said it is a true story but how can they possibly make that claim (oops, may have spoilt the ending for everyone now).
It wasn't a bad film. It's sure put me off scuba diving anywayπ
I found this movie crap, and really, really ... bad. Honestly, I had such a short attention span to this film, and this film only. I would have rather been beating myself with a 2 x 4.
***** SPOILER ALERT - The Perfect Storm. **********
Originally posted by Danger Mouse
What I found strange is that they said it is a true story but how can they possibly make that claim (oops, may have spoilt the ending for everyone now).
It wasn't a bad film. It's sure put me off scuba diving anywayπ
THANKS. Its not as if you could go and EDIT your post!!! This is not a slip of the tongue!
ANyway, I assume its something like The Perfect Storm, where the entire movie revolves around a 'true story' of the adventures of 5 guys that drown ... except they don't contact anyone in the outside world and leave no 'captain's logs', yet somehow they make a movie out of it, when they have absolutely no clue what happened.
So.. a shark huh ?
Yea, it's a true story and they have no idea what happened to these people.
All they know is that a couple went on a diving trip. The boat forgot about them and returned to shore without them. Two days later, someone said "Oh, snap, didn't we forget someone."
The couple was never found.
In the movie, everything from when the boat leaves on is pure imagination and fiction.
No offense, but I also think it was horrible. Saw the trailer about how two people get left in open water and eaten by sharks....guess what happened in the movie...I've seen arrows with bigger twists.