Is there interest in having something like a profile forum where people, and especially new people, could introduce themselvse and tell a little bit about themselves, and have conversations with other people? To get to know people better...
I've asked over at site ideas. Maybe if the idea is a good one (maybe it's not) you could voice your support. 🙂
Originally posted by AoifeUsed to be a "Meet Opponents" forum back in the day, but it was just full of "r u t33n 4 cha4tzor" type threads, so we slashed the seats then torched the place.
Is there interest in having something like a profile forum where people, and especially new people, could introduce themselvse and tell a little bit about themselves, and have conversations with other people? To get to know people better...
I've asked over at site ideas. Maybe if the idea is a good one (maybe it's not) you could voice your support. 🙂
Originally posted by AoifeI am a 28 stone black woman with ginger hair, I am 7 foot tall, have 6 toes on each foot and play ludo at the Womens Institute on a Tuesday night, where I am the club champion.
Is there interest in having something like a profile forum where people, and especially new people, could introduce themselvse and tell a little bit about themselves, and have conversations with other people? To get to know people better...
I've asked over at site ideas. Maybe if the idea is a good one (maybe it's not) you could voice your support. 🙂
I fart if I eat too much toffee.
What more do you need to know?
Originally posted by AoifeI can see that turning into another general forum full of fights and fart jokes. 😉
Is there interest in having something like a profile forum where people, and especially new people, could introduce themselvse and tell a little bit about themselves, and have conversations with other people? To get to know people better...
I've asked over at site ideas. Maybe if the idea is a good one (maybe it's not) you could voice your support. 🙂
Originally posted by AoifeImpression: You may be trying too hard, Aoife. Exceedingly small percentage capable of new friendships Concentrate on your chess.
im just trying to think of some way to get to know the people here
see if dont have a problem with asl's?
would there be a way to build in something to the profile where a/s/l could be readable?