You need to be Mexican to pronounce correctly the name.
However, you can try: kesa-dee-ia
So, what kind to think you get in the U.S. when you order such delicacy?
The real one is a plain tortilla with melted cheese. If you add something, then it becomes a ____ quesadilla, for example: a meat quesadilla, a chicken quesadilla, etc.
Originally posted by Seitsetaco bell has steak and chicken quesadillas.
You need to be Mexican to pronounce correctly the name.
However, you can try: kesa-dee-ia
So, what kind to think you get in the U.S. when you order such delicacy?
The real one is a plain tortilla with melted cheese. If you add something, then it becomes a ____ quesadilla, for example: a meat quesadilla, a chicken quesadilla, etc.