I have two,brother and sister.We took the vet's advice.
They have so different personalities.
They live in our garden during the day and when I call them they come to the garage for the night's safe haven.
She is so nosey(rosie);he is so shy(toffee)
I spoke to the breeder.He said toffee was the runt and they never expected him to survive.
Well he has.
I love both of um to bits.
Any advice about getting toffee to live life?
Originally posted by jb70This was already covered...
I have two,brother and sister.We took the vet's advice.
They have so different personalities.
They live in our garden during the day and when I call them they come to the garage for the night's safe haven.
She is so nosey(rosie);he is so shy(toffee)
I spoke to the breeder.He said toffee was the runt and they never expected him to survive.
Well he has.
I love both of um to bits.
Any advice about getting toffee to live life?
Thread 93572
Originally posted by jb70Did you ever stop to think about the implications of us being a different SPECIES from rabbits??
I have two,brother and sister.We took the vet's advice.
They have so different personalities.
They live in our garden during the day and when I call them they come to the garage for the night's safe haven.
She is so nosey(rosie);he is so shy(toffee)
I spoke to the breeder.He said toffee was the runt and they never expected him to survive.
Well he has.
I love both of um to bits.
Any advice about getting toffee to live life?
Originally posted by darvlayDarv, same fellow that spawned the 'I'm an alcoholic' thread a few days ago. I'll bump it to bring HOH's last post to your attention. Gotta give
How old are you?
This site has an age policy. You're not supposed to be here if you're younger than 11.
credit though where it's due... Rabbits or no rabbits, newcomer's profile reflects out of the hat chess performance which is exceptional.
Edit; Ever seriously wonder if Bowman might return and if he were to do so, having suffered and still recovering
from a massive RHP stroke, what his persona might be? Hmm... a less than immaculate boy/man incarnation???
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyTalk about beating a dead horse. You're worse than me and my stupid asian jokes.
Ever seriously wonder if Bowman might return and if he were to do so, having suffered and still recovering
from a massive RHP stroke, what his persona might be? Hmm... a less than immaculate boy/man incarnation???
Originally posted by jb70What exactly do you mean by "live life"? Are you worried he might die, or are you worried that he isn't happy with the life he has?
I have two,brother and sister.We took the vet's advice.
They have so different personalities.
They live in our garden during the day and when I call them they come to the garage for the night's safe haven.
She is so nosey(rosie);he is so shy(toffee)
I spoke to the breeder.He said toffee was the runt and they never expected him to survive.
Well he has.
I love both of um to bits.
Any advice about getting toffee to live life?
I am surprised they come when you call them, I never got my rabbits to do that!
Originally posted by jb70Read them Watership Down as a bedtime story. Emphasize the myths of El-ahrairah to inspire the runty one.
I have two,brother and sister.We took the vet's advice.
They have so different personalities.
They live in our garden during the day and when I call them they come to the garage for the night's safe haven.
She is so nosey(rosie);he is so shy(toffee)
I spoke to the breeder.He said toffee was the runt and they never expected him to survive.
Well he has.
I love both of um to bits.
Any advice about getting toffee to live life?
Originally posted by jb70I've got a design for a hamster cannon that would probably fit a small rabbit. Launching Toffee 100 yards is certainly going to give him a thrill.
I have two,brother and sister.We took the vet's advice.
They have so different personalities.
They live in our garden during the day and when I call them they come to the garage for the night's safe haven.
She is so nosey(rosie);he is so shy(toffee)
I spoke to the breeder.He said toffee was the runt and they never expected him to survive.
Well he has.
I love both of um to bits.
Any advice about getting toffee to live life?