Originally posted by RagnorakAkk-ses-shion
PM me your answers.
Rules as to who the winner is will be made up at a later date.
Word 1: [b]Akkseshiown
The act of attaining or coming to high office or a position of honour or power.
-the process by which a country becomes a member of an international agreement, such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) or the European Community.
Originally posted by geniusNumbnuts.
you were asked to spell "Akkseshiown", whie you actually spelled "Akkseshion"
EDIT: that was you giving a different word, wasn't it?...
The spelling I am posting is a phonetic spelling of the word that I am looking for, as defined.
I was actually asking people to spell "accession".
Bloody hell. 🙄
Originally posted by RagnorakThe D must be for 'DUH'🙂
The spelling I am posting is a phonetic spelling of the word that I am looking for, as defined.
I was actually asking people to spell "accession".
Bloody hell. 🙄
I had figured that one out but you laid it bare before I could even
get to the PM!