Some of you may have played this game but the idea is this:
Think of 3 famous people. One you get to screw (S), One you get to marry (M), and one you get to kill (K). There is no passing in this game if you choose to play it.
Example: Pamela Anderson, Carmen Elektra, and Britney Spears.
I would
S-Carmen Elektra
M-Pamela Anderson
K-Britney Spears
But, this game can also get really, really ugly too....see below example:
Barbara Bush, Janet Reno, and Star Jones
Again, if you choose to play you CANNOT pass....
Fine since this is my whacky game, I guess I will follow through with my example. Please keep in mind that I don't want to screw or marry any of these but it makes the game interesting:
Barbara Bush, Janet Reno, and Star Jones
S-Star Jones (she's still a pig but at least she is younger and lost a little weight, right?)
M-Janet Reno (she's policitally savvy and because we are married I don't have to screw her, right?)
K-Barbara Bush (for obvious reasons)