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Scrubbin' the ole' pots

Scrubbin' the ole' pots


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Since I'm still relatively new to the site, I may have missed past
discussions covering careers, but I'd like to know (thank you
Enquirer): How do all you fine folks and fellow humorists earn your
keep? Who do you work for, if you can say? What else should we
newbies be warned of about you? I know you're all itchin' to tell.
Here's mine: I work for a small outfit called MDS in New Holland, PA,
USA. We make and sell small turf spreaders, and also sell just about
any tractor or skid-steer driven attachment and accessory you can
name. Well...not THAT one! I do the AutoCAD and illustration work,
plus a ton of other database and Excel stuff to keep parts up to date.
I love dry, sick, strange, but clean humor if you've got any boiling
over. My humor heroes are Bob Newhart, Soupy Sales, Jonathan
Winters, Steve Allen, Jack Benny, Robin Williams, Jim Carey, The
Three Stooges, etc. if that tells you anything.


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I'm a phd student somewhere in the north-east, studying 'systems'
neuroscience, which basically means we do brain imaging. Comedy is
also one of my favourite things too; in fact, we just finished an MRI
study of the neural basis of the humor response, using Seinfeld and
the Simpsons as funny stimuli... it was a lot of fun...


Getting paid for doing something he really loves...

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Your work does sound like fun! So, for the next study: Does the funny
bone connect to the funny part of the brain, or the gotcha' part?


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The funny bone connects to the aarrrrggghh part of the brain for sure!

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Sooooooo...you HAVE been studying!


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Retired Air Force (22 yrs) than worked for a large bank (Computer
Processing) retired after 22 years. So I am now retired. Wife works so
I am keeping house and working in the garden. Fun Fun. :~)
The Elder

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Sounds like a good life, and a good wife. What more could a man ask

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