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Serial Killers.

Serial Killers.


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I live in the Kansas City area, and it seems like we have more serial killers than anywhere on earth. Just last week a new guy was finally caught after killing 12 women, and they think he has killed more than that. Tonight on the news I heard about some complete wack job that was cutting off the sexual organs of these guys that wanted it done. It's called Nulification. This screw ball lived just outside of the Kansas City area too.. There must be something in the water?

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Originally posted by buckky
I live in the Kansas City area, and it seems like we have more serial killers than anywhere on earth. Just last week a new guy was finally caught after killing 12 women, and they think he has killed more than that. Tonight on the news I heard about some complete wack job that was cutting off the sexual organs of these guys that wanted it done. It's called ...[text shortened]... crew ball lived just outside of the Kansas City area too.. There must be something in the water?
Naw, I think it's the KC Masterpiece barbecue sauce... 😀

Serously, though, they should "nullify" all serial killers either thru public hangins or dark-dank prison life.... for life.... 😏

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Originally posted by chancremechanic
Naw, I think it's the KC Masterpiece barbecue sauce... 😀

Serously, though, they should "nullify" all serial killers either thru public hangins or dark-dank prison life.... for life.... 😏
Perhaps a wee bit of research into what's producing these serial killers is needed.
Especially if one State is throwing up more of them than another. Maybe there's a reason which can be tackled?

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there was once a serial killer in scotland. he plead insanity, and he ended up in a mental hospital. HOWEVER, he was deemed "incurable", and his laweyers found a loophole in the law (about being incurable) that allowed this phycopahic murderer go free...

the loop hole's been closed up....thankfully...

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Originally posted by chancremechanic
Naw, I think it's the KC Masterpiece barbecue sauce... 😀

Serously, though, they should "nullify" all serial killers either thru public hangins or dark-dank prison life.... for life.... 😏
Do you really think public hangings would be a deterrent to these people? I can see three purposes to punishment:

1. Stop the offender from re-offending.
2. Deter other people from doing the same crimes.
3. Give other people an outlet for their vengeance.

The first is perfectly reasonable.
The second, it has been found in innumerable studies, is not solved by capital punishment.
The third is an anachronism in a modern civilised state, but is still practiced in the form of death sentences with the familiy of the victim present in the USA of course. This seems strange in a country with such a large "Christian" population.

"Dark-dank prison life" also serves points 1, 2, and 3 above but probably does little to re-habitulate the offender.

Personally I think re-habitulation should be the prime objective, although the punishment must still serve points 2 and 3 above.

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Originally posted by Talulah
Do you really think public hangings would be a deterrent to these people? I can see three purposes to punishment:

1. Stop the offender from re-offending.
2. Deter other people from doing the same crimes.
3. Give other people an outlet ...[text shortened]... ve, although the punishment must still serve points 2 and 3 above.
Well, hanging (or hard-time dark and dank prison as I prefer) these scum will prevent them from EVER killing again, don't you think? No one's mother or father will have to question the criminal justice system as to why their child is dead simply because "society" thinks that these killers should be rehabilitated...wouldn't that be a good enough reason to keep these killers locked up forever?...You make some good points...but, what type of rehabilitation would you recommend for, say, serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacey, Ted Bundy or maybe one of England's infamous serial killers?...would you "train" them to be a butcher?...or maybe a florist?...how about a children's Day Care Center administrator?...in the case of serial killers, there can be NO rehabilitaion in my opinion because these people are inherently evil or genetically warped to the point of disrepair...forever! Would YOU be willing to let Jeffrey Dahmer live next door to you if you had young children? Let John Wayne Gacey be the "clown" at your son/daughter's birthday party?...if you have never heard of these infamous killers, I suggest you do a Google search and see for yourself...and then honestly answer my question....prison for life until death is the ONLY rehabilitation these killers need and deserve....🙄

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Now, now.
The DSM - IV (the psychiatris's bible) has many different diagnoses that have prognisises for potential violence. And only ONE is considered untreatable. Any guesses? What psychiatric disorder is considered untreatable?

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If you kill someone, you die.
Easy as that.
If it was premeditated - stop the killer from trying it again - permanently.
If the killer was insane - cure him/her - permamenntly.

An eye for an eye.

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I once saw a guy throw 2 whole boxes of corn flakes into a campfire cause they werent sugar frosted.

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Originally posted by player420
Now, now.
The DSM - IV (the psychiatris's bible) has many different diagnoses that have prognisises for potential violence. And only ONE is considered untreatable. Any guesses? What psychiatric disorder is considered untreatable?
The only psychiatric disorder that is considered untreatable by the American Psychiatric Association and the DSM-IV is...


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Originally posted by chancremechanic
Well, hanging (or hard-time dark and dank prison as I prefer) these scum will prevent them from EVER killing again, don't you think? No one's mother or father will have to question the criminal justice system as to why their child is dead simply because "society" thinks that these killers should be rehabilitated...wouldn't that be a good enough ...[text shortened]... n....prison for life until death is the ONLY rehabilitation these killers need and deserve....🙄
I agree that a life prison sentence is the preferred punishment. Whether making it dark and dank would serve to deter other offenders more than a dry one is unlikely. When serial killers commit their crimes I don't suppose they think too much about the severity of their punishments, otherwise they wouldn't commit the crime in the first place would they?

I know very little about the methods of rehabilitation, so can't answer your questions about it. I certainly don't suggest talking about them and making them see just how naughty they've been, then letting them out again, so they would never end up living next door to me or coming to my son's birthday party.

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Originally posted by Crowley
If you kill someone, you die.
Easy as that.
If it was premeditated - stop the killer from trying it again - permanently.
If the killer was insane - cure him/her - permamenntly.

An eye for an eye.
Hi Crowley. All I can say is that the "string 'em up high" comments seem to come from the USA. and now from South Africa. Funny how those countries have particularly bad murder rates and violent crime rates, compared to my country, the United Kingdom who you would no doubt consider lefty-liberal, but which has a comparably very small murder rate. Enough said.

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Originally posted by Talulah
Hi Crowley. All I can say is that the "string 'em up high" comments seem to come from the USA. and now from South Africa. Funny how those countries have particularly bad murder rates and violent crime rates, compared to my country, the United Kingdom who you would no doubt consider lefty-liberal, but which has a comparably very small murder rate. Enough said.
I can't speak for Crowley but, here in the US the crime rates were pretty low in the 50's but, then the Liberal "lets give the criminal the benefit of the doubt" groups started abolishing the death penalty in a lot of the states. Also we have some of the dumbest laws concerning illegal drugs that while, I don't have the figures off-hand, I'm sure account for about 60% of the murders due, to the illicit drug trade. People are killing for drug profits much, like the days of Prohibition in the 30's when it was illegal to buy alcohol here in the US. Marijuana grown in Mexico for pennies to the kilo once it crosses the border amounts to a profit margin of about 1000% and increases the further away from the border. I'm not laying the blame on Mexican farmers who grow it. The blame is the American consumer. The same problem is with Cocaine. The governments of Cocaine producing countries don't want to get rid of the Coca plants because how in the hell are they gonna pay off the loans to the banks of the US and Europe without the illicit profits that Coca generate. By selling baskets? Changing some of the drug laws in my opinion would clear up some of the prison population overcrowding. We have rapists and murders being set free because of the overcrowding of prisons. Now personally I don't care about the comforts of some convict but, at least this would close the loophole Liberals use to allow these people freedom. As for serial killers they should be executed or at the very least, never released from prison. England for the moment is relatively murder free but, with the influx of immigrants from drug producing countries I can bet the farm that you will also experiance a rise in murders. Its all about easy money. The Netherlands has probably the best idea in the Hash bars in the cities. People are gonna use drugs whether they are legal or not so lets cut out the middleman.

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Originally posted by slimjim
I can't speak for Crowley but, here in the US the crime rates were pretty low in the 50's but, then the Liberal "lets give the criminal the benefit of the doubt" groups started abolishing the death penalty in a lot of the states. Also we have some of the dumbest laws concerning illegal drugs that while, I don't have the figures off-hand, I'm sure accou ...[text shortened]... cities. People are gonna use drugs whether they are legal or not so lets cut out the middleman.

Although we are coming from opposite extremes of the argument, I agree with almost everything your say. In the UK, of course we do have murders (the murder capital of the UK per head of population is actually Cardiff which is in Wales so we can't say "England" here!), and I would guess a great deal of them are drug related, just the same as in the US. Our drug laws are probably very similar to the US, but we don't have the murder rates.

I'm no criminologist so can't give proved reasons for this. I guess to a large extent it is due to guns being illegal in the UK.

It's interesting you attribute the violent crime increase to liberals who abolished the death sentence. Have you any figures that show that the murder rates went up in all states that abolished it but not in the staes that retained it? That would be interesting. If such figures existed I would expect we would know about it.

As for your arguments about legalising soft drugs, I couldn't agree more, although the situation in Amsterdam (the drug tolerance is not in all Holland, just Amsterdam), a city I have visted on three occasions, the real situation is often glossed over by people with their own agendas. The cases of hard drug abuse in public parks is quite frightening to witness, and is a large problem. Although the cafe bars don't sell these drugs, it is hard to refute the allegation that the relaxed policing of drug laws encourages the widespread use of hard drugs also in public.

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Originally posted by Crowley
If you kill someone, you die.
Easy as that.
If it was premeditated - stop the killer from trying it again - permanently.
If the killer was insane - cure him/her - permamenntly.

An eye for an eye.
Always a simple answer to a complex question.

In the US ( an easy place to get stats for) there were 16 000 murders and 71 executions. Sure you can blame some of this on the liberal states but your average murderer's chances are less than 1 in 200 of being executed. You have to be very unlucky - and usually you will be of a minority race, poor and lacking the skills to work the sytsem. And this applies anywhere with a death penalty - I am not singling out the US.

Which suggests the death penalty is not much deterrent even for the average killer -the wife beater, macho bar room brawler, or drug dealers. Serial killers are a class apart - they are not operating by the rules of the rest of society and do not think of the consequences.

Does executing serial killers deter other serial killers? Almost certainly not. What do you accomplish - other than vengeance?

And the problem with vengeance? Call me liberal but I don't believe in killing people just to make myself feel good. It is just too close to the reason why our man from Kansas likes killing woman.

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