13 Aug 08
I'm workshopping an alternative video scenario, but I'm short on ideas.
1. Props: a censer in which the disease to be shaken is placed
2. A martini glass
(It's the Depeche Mode song. I had an enlightening exchange of thoughts with uzless, which has led to this. It's by way of exorcism probably).
Originally posted by Bosse de NageI suggest you put in an audience that all have confused looks on their faces. Make them all wear RHP T-shirts and hats.
Fantastic. What a talented bunch we've got here.
Anything else for the float? Budget's limited, don't get too fancy.
In the background, Aristotle should be doing a book signing for his "Art of Rhetoric" book but none of the people with RHP T-Shirts should be in the line.
Hell, you could even have a couple of anti-Socratic philosophers wearing "Down with Sophists!" wife beater shirts...but again, none of the rhp wearing tshirt people would understand.
Originally posted by Bosse de Nage"I'm short on ideas."
I'm workshopping an alternative video scenario, but I'm short on ideas.
1. Props: a censer in which the disease to be shaken is placed
2. A martini glass
(It's the Depeche Mode song. I had an enlightening exchange of thoughts with uzless, which has led to this. It's by way of exorcism probably).
Originally posted by uzlessThey can be dancing blankly in RHP leather pants and caps.
I suggest you put in an audience that all have confused looks on their faces. Make them all wear RHP T-shirts and hats.
In the background, Aristotle should be doing a book signing for his "Art of Rhetoric" book but none of the people with RHP T-Shirts should be in the line.
Hell, you could even have a couple of anti-Socratic philosophers wearing "Down ...[text shortened]... ts!" wife beater shirts...but again, none of the rhp wearing tshirt people would understand.
Aristotle can go on the float, which is now a raised dais where the band should go.
Wife-beater shirts?
Originally posted by PonderableThat wouldn't necessarily make Socrates a wife-beater. More likely it was her socking him.
Socrates is said to have been harrassed very much by his wife Xanthippe...
How about a dream sequence with an assembly of Xanthippes slapping Socrates upside the head?
And to make it even more poignant, have Socrates wear a clown suit and a George Bush mask.