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Just a really crazy idea. Instead of being so critical of everyone elses thread that seems have you so bored that all you can do is throw insults around. Try creating an interesting thread yourself. I have yet to see you put together anything that has been worth talking about to date.

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Originally posted by KJCavalier
Just a really crazy idea. Instead of being so critical of everyone elses thread that seems o have you so bored that all you can do is throw insults around. Try creating an interesting thread yourself. I have yet to see you put together anything that has been worth talking about to date.
Er...KJ, this one might rebound on you horribly...

Edit: much as I have sympathy with your view 🙂

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Originally posted by ivangrice
Er...KJ, this one might rebound on you horribly...

Edit: much as I have sympathy with your view 🙂
I appreciate the sympathy, and quite frankly wold love to see something else appear as well. Just this constant barrage of insults towards those who at least try is getting incredibly old. I want to see what he really has. Even better still lets see if he can create a thread that will 1) not be insulting to myself or anyone else, and 2) have a multitude of us involved.

If he can pull this off, then I will stay quiet. But I get the stronger feeling that he will just attack this thread as well with all the grace of a bull in a china shop.

Again thanks for the sympathy🙂

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Originally posted by KJCavalier
I appreciate the sympathy, and quite frankly wold love to see something else appear as well. Just this constant barrage of insults towards those who at least try is getting incredibly old. I want to see what he really has. Even better still lets see if he can create a thread that will 1) not be insulting to myself or anyone else, and 2) have a multitude o ...[text shortened]... thread as well with all the grace of a bull in a china shop.

Again thanks for the sympathy🙂
Unfortunately, there seems to be a severe case of mass ADHD in the general forum. Any thread that requires even a smidgen of concentration/thought gets largely ignored while the completely assinine threads draw loads of posters.


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Originally posted by KJCavalier
Just a really crazy idea. Instead of being so critical of everyone elses thread that seems have you so bored that all you can do is throw insults around. Try creating an interesting thread yourself. I have yet to see you put together anything that has been worth talking about to date.
if you were to address this to anyone else at all i would probably agree with you out of habit ... but to say this to shav??


you must have no ability to read ...

shav surely must be the most entertaining single writer in rhp (other loving couples such as "no1 and ivanhoe" are also great as a team).

perhaps you meant this as sarcasm but it does not sound that way.

i suspect you are simply off the track.

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Originally posted by flexmore
if you were to address this to anyone else at all i would probably agree with you out of habit ... but to say this to shav??


you must have no ability to read ...

shav surely must be the most entertaining single writer in rhp (other loving couples such as "no1 and ivanhoe" are also great as a team).

perhaps you meant this as sarcasm but it does not sound that way.

i suspect you are simply off the track.
If I am, then so be it. What I have as of late from him is more of an insult-fest than much of anything else. Now I put this out there, since he wishes to see more entertaining/provokative/well thought out threads. If he can do this, then great, and as I also said I will keep quiet. But there can't be anything in the way of a deep thought when all you are doing is throwing around insults. The challenge is in place. I know he can meet with the challenge. Just is shav willing to, or still content in creative verbal smack downs.

I do remember seeing some deep insight into some of his posts, and they have been entertaining. But the latest thread was about how bad the threads were. Well it seems we all know this, but I don't see his trying to correct this.

Now I haven't called him any names, nor have I taken it upon myself to do so. Just want to see his creativity flow and see just what exactly he can come up with that everyone can truly enjoy.

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Originally posted by Ragnorak
Unfortunately, there seems to be a severe case of mass ADHD in the general forum. Any thread that requires even a smidgen of concentration/thought gets largely ignored while the completely assinine threads draw loads of posters.

Rag I agree this is very true. But I don't see a constant barrage of attacks by to many others. just because a thread is lame.

I get a very strong feeling that I may end up the bad guy in this one, but I still want to see what Shav has to offer to the threads.

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Originally posted by Ragnorak
Unfortunately, there seems to be a severe case of mass ADHD in the general forum. Any thread that requires even a smidgen of concentration/thought gets largely ignored while the completely assinine threads draw loads of posters.

wuh wuh

EDIT: or is it cat?

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Originally posted by catfoodtim

-even in the short time i've been using RHP, the forums seem to have become more low brow.[/b]
what a catalyst you turned out to be.........

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Whats really getting sad is the most interesting thread is a thread about creating an interesting thread.

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Originally posted by KJCavalier
Whats really getting sad is the most interesting thread is a thread about creating an interesting thread.

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Well, it seems we've (the world) got our knickers in a twist over the "Let's wipe Israel off the map." quote by our Iranian friends in the middle east.

But... having a niggling feeling that it's not the first time such words have been muttered, albeit in different terms, I did a wee bit of research on the web. An WO AND BEHOLD!!!:

"After the chaos and carnage of September 11th, it is not enough to serve our enemies with legal papers." - G.W. Bush -
Now, I wonder what he meant by that! It sounds like the enemies are in for it…perhaps he meant the axis of evil (Iran, Iraq and North Korea). Perhaps he meant China. God only knows. But someone’s in for it anyways. A good wiping is in order…it seems!

America will never seek a permission slip to defend the security of our people. - G.W. Bush –
I take it he doesn’t mean challenging Iran to a game of football.

“Diplomacy without the will to use force is pointless” – Tony Blair –
Yes. We can trust Tony Bliar to really put things straight when it comes to the wiping of whatever. “Oh…yes…We’ll talk about it….but…don’t get…me wrong…if they don’t do….what…we and I mean us and I mean the Americans…want…then, yes and obviously…wiping will be of the daily…order…

On a side note I just want to take a wee second to point out how irritating Tony’s way of speaking is. It’s very difficult to get his constant pauses to display correctly on text.

Any outlaw regime that has ties to terrorist groups or seeks to possess weapons of mass destruction is a grave danger to the civilised world and will be confronted. - G.W. Bush –
Confronted in a non-wiping way? Well, I’d like to think that’s what he meant…

For all who love freedom and peace, the world without Saddam Hussein's regime is a better and safer place. - G.W. Bush –
So, we’re going to take Saddam out by means of diplomacy? Oh. He means “Invasion”. He means “Conquest”. He means: “Wiping out Iraq’s political structure as we know it”.
Pfffft… who would have guessed?

"The enemy should be in no doubt that we are his nemesis and that we are bringing about his rightful destruction." – Tim Collins (Lieutenant Colonel USA) –
Well, if the president isn’t going to say it outright, let’s put our trust in the army. They’re bound to get things right.

Our nation is somewhat sad, but we're angry. There's a certain level of blood lust, but we won't let it drive our reaction. We're steady, clear-eyed and patient, but pretty soon we'll have to start displaying scalps. - G.W. Bush –
So, to get things straight: It’s not alright to wipe people from the planet…but it is alright to scalp them. Well that’s okay then. This quote obviously belongs somewhere else. Carry on folks, nothing to read here…

When I take action, I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt. It's going to be decisive. - G.W. Bush –
Not quite wiping out…but I bet the fcuking camels glad.

“I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves” – Henry Kissinger –
So what does this mean then? Maybe not: “Let’s wipe Chile off the face of the map”, but it certainly sounds like someone’s in for a righteous wiping of religious proportions!

“Veni Vidi Vici” – Julius Ceasar –
Being a Ceasar fan, I can only conclude that the wiping out of other civilisations is a good thing. I mean, if old Julius thinks it’s good…it must be!

“A world without nuclear weapons would be less stable and more dangerous for all of us” – Margaret Thatcher –
This has got nothing to do with wiping out as such. But it is highly amusing, never the less!!!

Isn’t it interesting how everyone is stumbling over Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s sentiments on Israel, yet so many other’s have made similar remarks and are hailed as heroes of their time?
What amazes me most is the lack of understanding of rhetoric, especially from the British.
Every culture has different ways of projecting their wishes and their thoughts. And British diplomacy is well known for its understanding of cultures. And now seemingly this has all gone down the drain in one vile attempt to think up reasons to attack Iran.
How pathetic.

I’ve not even touched on China’s comments on Taiwan, the US’s comments on Cuba or so many comments on WW2 Germany and Japan (which, considering the bombing both nations took, came as close to “wiping out” as possible…and not just in the verbal sense).

“Oh but Mark…” I hear you whine, “They were bad regimes. They were evil.”
Do you want to know my reply?

: Hahaah hahaha hahahaha hahahahahaah hahahahaha ahahahahahahaha

Fcuk wit. One man’s poison is another man’s food, and just as I find fascism incredibly evil, so some people find the US or France or Israel incredibly evil. And if we want to lead, we’ve got to lead by example.

Let’s set an example and kill our leaders who propagate such hatred, stupidity and cruelty.
If we want a better world folks, we’re gonna have to stand up and take it!

Hasta la Victoria siempre! – Che Guevara

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