as a newbie to this site i didnt realize till resently the full implications
of time outs and agreed timeout periods.UNFORTUNATELY there are
strong & weak players who take it to the limit! i.e. based on an
average good game..... 40 ...moves !!! with your opponent moving in
the last 10 min before time out. =======then if you move in the last
10 min before time out.the results are frustrating to say the least.
3 day timeouts! with your opponent always moving on the stroke and
you moving promptly.a game would go for 4 months. with answering
moves made on the last stoke 8 months. 7day timeouts: 9
months......18 months. 14days...9 months......18 months and
lastly... 21 day time outs. 2 1/2 years........5 years
I've learned the best way to play at this and six (yes, there are now
SEVEN and we should support them all) similar sites is to have three to
ten games going at each site. As you receive emails advising you
someone has moved, you check in and make your move after a little
study. You hardly notice if someone isn't moving.
When possible when starting a game, elect to play only in games
requiring each move within three days of an opponents move.
And in-between RedHotPawn's moves, if you want some good live
chess with a wonderful interface (unlike ICC and FICS), try the WCN
Free to join and free to play up to eight rated games daily. Lots of
players available almost all the time.