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Sound Advice

Sound Advice



Keep the volume lower than live concert level.


@gambrel said
Keep the volume lower than live concert level.


@great-big-stees said


@trev33 said
... it's loud.


Are all the aforementioned Subscribers cracking up at the same time? 😛 🙂



@very-rusty said
Are all the aforementioned Subscribers cracking up at the same time? 😛 🙂

Nah. It’s probably just your hearing aid.🤔😲😉


@great-big-stees said
Nah. It’s probably just your hearing aid.🤔😲😉
Knock on wood and all that, I don't need one yet.

I know what it is like though as my ears were plugged for 10 days with wax,

We had to use drops for 10 days then the Doctor flushed them. The wax she got out of them you wouldn't believe, this could have went in the disgusting thread.

I got a small taste of what is is like to be deaf, not nice. I will not use year plugs or Q-tips anymore, one lesson for me. What does't come out with a facecloth stays! 🙂


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@gambrel said
Keep the volume lower than live concert level.
Did your neighbors call the police?


@kevin-eleven said
Did your neighbors call the police?
What ever happened to knocking on your neighbor's door?



@very-rusty said
What ever happened to knocking on your neighbor's door?

They have guns.



this website, in addition to information concerning various noise levels associated with various activities, will sell you rustywax earplugs of extraordinary efficiency

they will not, however shut his mouth

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@trev33 said
They have guns.
Do you have reason to be afraid?


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@rookie54 said

this website, in addition to information concerning various noise levels associated with various activities, will sell you rustywax earplugs of extraordinary efficiency

they will not, however shut his mouth
My mouth has nothing to do with it sookie54 it would be my fingers.

If you don't like them, that would be your problem. 🙂 😛



@kevin-eleven said
Did your neighbors call the police?
Back in August my neighbor was blasting music
I called the police
The officer responding couldn't believe how loud it was
Windows were pulsating eyc
The cop was going to let him off with a warning. But my neighbor wanted to argue
The cop told him he could argue with the judge and cited him
$1000 fine

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@gambrel said
Back in August my neighbor was blasting music
I called the police
The officer responding couldn't believe how loud it was
Windows were pulsating eyc
The cop was going to let him off with a warning. But my neighbor wanted to argue
The cop told him he could argue with the judge and cited him
$1000 fine
Man, that is tough.

If I had an issue with neighbors on either side of me, I'd just walk over and let them know what the issue was. We have no need to call the Police. I guess we are very fortunate. Something we take for granted.


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