If you walk down the street or in your house and you squash harmless little bug on purpose, please reconsider your actions. Very disrespectful and arrogant behaviour towards the nature. In the last 200 years we progressed so far, we go to the moon, we have fascinating tehnology, we have superadvanced computers, tv, internet, genetic manipulation. The best scientists of the world didn't succed in creating from nothing even most simple living creature, plant or animal, life is so complex, so beyond our achievements and understanding.
I understand how the feeding chain works and that's ok... but don't kill just for the joy of it. Take a sheet of papper and put the little creature to the nearest plant or grass. It won't take more then 15 seconds and it's right thing to do.
Respect the life. Humans are not the only creatures worthy of living.
EDIT : This thread is a filter for me because ten minutes ago one girl squashed a little nice bug. I started the discussion how I think that this is not the best thing to do but soon I realized that her IQ doesn't exceed 75 and that she is pretty agressive towards humans too so I stopped the discussion. 😛
And yeah, I know I am overreacting but some days are just different than others.