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i know im the last person that you would play a game of chess WITH.
thats okay. sure did enjoy saying "HELLO" to you in "REAL TIME" hope
you enjoyed your meal !

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At first I thought that you and xenophobe were the same person.
Both nicks seemed like two hunters going in the woods just shooting
anything that moved. I have taken note of the fact that your attitude
has seemed to have changed toward everyone on the forum. Maybe a
game or two is in our future! I think I need a little more practice
though. :-)

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Interesting how you choose your opponents based on how "nice" you
think they are. Are you hoping for some concessions during the game?

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Looking for something to shoot again?? 🙂 Nope xeno, not looking for
concessions. Wouldn’t want to play someone who would give them
anyway. As I have stated, if you will remember, it is a matter of
principle with me. I have a disdain for arrogate people in general. I
have no doubt that if we played a game that you would beat me very
easily and I also have no doubt that I could learn a great deal from
the game. But I choose play and learn from people who have a life
and can get along with others of their species. It must be lonely xeno,
when in your own mind, you set at the very top of the food chain all
alone always throwing crap at everyone below you. You might find life
and chess a lot more enjoyable if you tried to get along with those
around you.

You have a lot to offer other RHP players in learning to play chess and
chess theory. I really enjoyed the forum thread on Opening Chess
Theory and everyone’s input. I thought your input was very helpful as
well. It’s to bad that we don’t see more of it. Have a good day xeno.

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Oooh!! I've been shot again. :-) Have a good day anyway xeno. I
spite of yourself!

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I realize that it must be difficult for you to pallet being described to a
tee like that! And by the way, what is with all these shooting
references? Are you some kind of military or gun fanatic?

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xeno, if 50 people tell you your face is green, you should consider
looking in the mirror. And if 80 people tell you your foot's on
backward, you should consider seeing an osteopath. I would say you
do have guts. I would also go so far as to say you are mostly honest
and have integrity in a distorted sort of way. But all the other
negatives thrown your way which are too many to mention are also
largely true. They are not just the creations of jealous wannabees.
You're not very likeable xeno or at the least you are not very well
Are you always fighting because everyone in the world is an idiot, or
could it possibly be that you just don't measure up socially?

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Allot more than 50 people thought the earth was flat and that the sun
revolved around the earth fexkorn. Many millions thought it was a
good idea to vote into office the likes of Adolf Hitler! The difference
between people like you and me fexkorn, is that you developed your
concepts about right and wrong and measure your self-worth by what
others tell you and by what the media has conditioned you to think.
(majority rules!) You are incapable of separating the truth from the
fiction on your own, and simply follow what the others are doing.
Though you seem to be an affable sort, you are very unimpressive to
me and to those whom I respect! I prefer to think for myself and
follow my conscience even if it means offending the weak cowardly
types! There has never been a time in history where someone who is
great was not hated by many people. When I have the likes of you
and others like you disagreeing with and slandering me, it means I
am following the right path. I have drawn a clear line of demarcation.
If you ever decide to improve your lot (within the realm of your ability
to do so) and acquire an at least modest amount of education, you
will realize (at least in part) the folly in your mentality. And by the way,
I have had many, many people on this server compliment me about
my posting. In fact some of those were originally against me and
have come to see the light. Perhaps there is some hope for you!

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So, I would ask xeno - what is it that we misunderstand about you?
What is it that the 50 or so people have judged that is so wrong?
What are we missing, and how do we need to adjust our thinking in
order to benefit from your contribution?


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I have yet to come across 50 people who have a problem with me
Jumbo. I have had some very enjoyable chess games, some great
conversations, and even made a real live friend while a member of
RHP. So far, there is only rambling and ranting from a few jealous,
sissy's who don't like being put in their place. I imagine that if my
rating were say, around 1400 instead of 1900, I would attract less
insults and slander. Jealousy and envy are very ugly emotions. As
those who know me will attest, I don't believe in false modest,
insincerity, and political correctness. I do believe in honesty, sincerity,
and competitiveness. My contribution here is nothing so special, but I
do feel as though I have made some interesting and informative
posts, and many of my opponents have indicated to me that they
were glad to have played me and have complimented my chess. Have
you done more Jumbo?

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It's nothing to do with your rating. I feel sure that the majority of
people care nothing for ratings with regards to how they judge other
members of this site. If you believe otherwise, that is your own
affair. The problem people have with you is your incredibly
confrontational and objectionable manner.

You have indeed made some interesting posts - many of them have
been very intelligent and informative and many have been pleasant
and non-confrontational. But you have also made some posts that
are less well received, insulting and indicative of a person who has
some serious social problems.


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yes, well...if only you were around before the 15th century...think of how much
time you could have saved everybody by setting them straight about the Earth.
Instead of Magellan, we would have had ...XENOPHOBE...it may have even changed
the definition of that word entirely🙂
And I find it funny you should mention Hitler as I have always thought of you two
as having very similar make-ups.
I think I'll stick w/ the masses here. While there is the occasional genious who
can uncover new truths never before imagined...I somehow doubt that it's you.

PS... I assumed that when you wrote "Allot" you did not mean (to designate) and
in fact were feebly attempting to write A lot. Surprising mistake for such a
well ecucated man like yourself.
Thanks again for the never-ending entertainment!

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Ive discussed this with a lot of other players on site, why wont this
man just leave the abuse and get on with playing chess. why not just
play this game he supposedly likes to play, and we have come to one
conclusion at least......that a woman hating fascist is never going to
just leave everyone alone and play chess. So Im going to have to
toughen up and learn to ignore the insults and abuse I guess.
Coming to this chess site sure has been an eye opener for a high
school drop out.. Id always thought people with intelligence and
education would at least use it sometimes. Most do... but then there
are those that have measured themselves... and dont like what they
see, poor things. and No xeno, I still dont remember all the names
of all the openings and if you interrogate me, yes I will react badly.
But please remember next time, that when you do interrogate
someone and they breakdown, its not there humanity you are
diminishing, its your own. And No, once again, dont bother
challenging me to a game of chess. I know you would win, but Im not
giving you the opportunity for further abuse.

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