Originally posted by Zort BoyIt's blazing a trail through my school, and both of the people I carpool with had it (one just returned to school on Monday). So far, so good, though! You do have my deepest sympathies. It's a long, drawn-out flu. Kids come back after missing a week of school and they're still feeling miserable.
Just had the tests for it this morning. Feeling rotten. Although the upside is no work until at least next Tuesady = lots of time for chess. Anyone else had it?
I heard on the news it hit my state.
Next, all kids with a cough can't go to school.
Next, IDIOT LADY brings her kid to where my 4yo and 1yo kids get sat.
Next day the boy, 4 has a 103 fever.
Day after that the the girl gets it.
Here they test and say it's Flu A, and that MIGHT be swine.
The only way to know for sure it's swine flu is if the kids get complications and are rushed to the hospital.
They feel better after 3 or 4 days, I just got it yesterday.
My skull be throb!
I want to punch that lady in THE FACE!~ How inconsiderate! We called ahead to be sure there were no other kids being sat once we knew there is a chance they have swine flu, as not to pass it on.
She was selfish and basically gave my family a flu they wouldn't have got since my kids are not in school and more often than not stay in with me while the wife runs errands.
In the past several days the swine flu cases have trippled in Thailand to 151 infected individuals. Doesn’t sound very scary does it? Because it’s not! This whole swine flu phenomena is out of control and, I blame the World Health Organisation and the Centres for Disease Control.
Lets look at some facts shall we? The swine flu, or H1N1 as the Americans like to call it, so they don’t lose sales of pork, has been reported in over 70 countries so far and has resulted in 144 deaths world wide. The World Health Organisation has declared the H1N1 ( I like this name better because of the American stupidity behind it) virus to be a Pandemic.
Let’s look at what Merriam Webster defines a pandemic as: occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population. Well the H1N1 virus has definitely occured over a wide geographic area but it most certainly has not affected an exceptionally high proportion of the population. Remember, Thailand has 150 cases and most other countries have at most a few thousand cases.
This supposed pandemic is based solely on it spreading to over 70 countries. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to surmise that by this standard the common cold, chicken pox, venerial disease and herpes are all pandemics and we are all going to die!
The reality is that with travel as cheap and easy as it is, in the 21’st century, everything is easily spreadable before the person germanating a specific disease even knows they have it. So far it sounds like the WHO and the CDC are doing a lot of crying wolf with nothing more to back it up than the fact that the virus could mutate and become more easily spreadible and deadly. Show me a virus and I’ll show you a virus that could mutate and become more dangerous…doesn’t mean it will.
Going home from Thailand, in May, I saw the fruits of this propaganda in action. Many at Bangkok’s airport had masks on, and in Tokyo 9 out of 10 people had masks on. But that wasn’t enough for the World Health Organisation; they needed this to be taken much more seriously. So now we have a pandemic that has killed a whopping 144 people world wide.
To understand the enormity of this hoax being perpetrated on the world's population, lets look at some very real and scary numbers now. In 1908 and 1909 a very real pandemic in the Spanish Influenza killed over 50 million people world wide, in less than a year; while the normal seasonal flu experienced world wide every year kills an estimated 250,000 to 500,000 people. H1N1 has killed 144 people in total.
Since 1908 there have been 5 flu pandemics declared :
1.1957: Asian Flu
2.1968: Hong Kong Flu
3.1976: Swine Flu Threat
4.1977: Russian Flu Threat
5.1997: Avian Flu Threat
There were some very credible threats in this list, namely the 1957 Asian flu and the 1968 Hong Kong flu. The rest have all been cases of the Sky is falling in. The 1976 flu cited above was only found in one area of the world, Fort Dix in New Jersey, and what a pandemic that was!
Remember the Avian flu?
You don’t hear much about it these days but a few years ago it was all the rage in up and coming pandemics that never were. The Avian flu put a big hurt on tourism in Asia, for no reason other than supposedly smart people said there was a problem.
So far H1N1 has crippled Mexican tourism, but I suspect places like Thailand and all of South East Asia, as well as China, will suffer greatly due to the perceived threat of very communal populations. The WHO and CDC should be held responsible for their actions when they paralyse the world community with less than credible threats and cause damage to economies.
Don’t get me wrong here. I believe the WHO and CDC should advise world governments and organisations on the possibilities of outbreaks and possible mutations, but what they have done in the case of H1N1 is clearly irresponsible.
You had all better go out and purchase a mask and make sure you get the latest and greatest influenza shots when they are made available ( someone is making billions off this) because you don’t want to be #145 in this pandemic that could likely see 200 people die before years end.
Remember I warned you!
As for wearing masks; they are bad for you after 1 hour!
The nose and mucus are natural fighters of bacteria and inhalation mutants we breathe in and out every second. Those fighters become more and more inefficient when wearing a mask; i.e. they start performing abnormally, and they start shutting down!
Remove the mask, after such a time, and you are much much more perceptible to infections and inhaling things that could affect you more than they normally would!
Remember that too! I warned you! 😏
Originally posted by mikelomWhy don't you make yourself useful and get in the kitchen and make me some wanton soup! I hope you have that very very fine black pepper!
In the past several days the swine flu cases have trippled in Thailand to 151 infected individuals. Doesn’t sound very scary does it? Because it’s not! This whole swine flu phenomena is out of control and, I blame the World Health Organization and the Centres for Disease Control.
Lets look at some facts shall we? The swine flue, or H1N1 as the Americans l ...[text shortened]... t could affect you more than they normally would!
Remember that too! I warned you! 😏
I'll have some OJ while I wait.
Originally posted by PhlabibitI'm actually practising my guitar before I go to bed (it's 23.40pm here!), incidentally well, as I am performing at Friday's Halloween party! 😉
Why don't you make yourself useful and get in the kitchen and make me some wanton soup! I hope you have that very very fine black pepper!
I'll have some OJ while I wait.
Edit: wanton soup is Chinese, not Thai! 😠
Originally posted by PhlabibitMaybe write a song about 'wanton' destruction of a perfectly good response to a post, or better; a song about 'wearing a mask to protect myself against flu and my nose, or lack of it'.... as it didn't do Michael Jackson much good, did it? 😛
I might need to write a song about Swine Flu... if I don't DIE first!~