Does anybody really, I mean really care about an internet rating?
Maybe to avoid losing oh so precious rating points one would not team
up with a low rated player. For instance, one could team up with
players they have played before and know a little bit about their skill
and style.Or simply by observing overall results. Anyways, I too think
teams would be cool and might even suggest more than 2 player's per
i agree FOR THE LOVE OF CHESS and its PROMOTION i sure hope
something can be worked out! i like WINNING as much as anybody on
this site BUT i also ENJOYING LOSING!! i get upset about it tho.but
that makes me more determined to WIN the next time.! KNOWN TEAM
PLAY! THAT SOUNDS EXCITING! a real break from one on one chess
ANOTHER reason to stay with rhp through thick and thin!
i dont think ratings would make that much difference! i have many
ideas on "how" teams could operate! i think it could be organised via
chat! for example. each nick could start with a new nick for the
purpose of tournament. everybody woud start at 1200. teams would
be published! that is say stevens and wannabe are a team! we would
then meet in chat and discuss the games. the games would be a
combined effort.!! provided the nicks were used for this purpose and
he results of the game were made known.i see no harm in this. a
great way to learn! TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE! just a thought!