06 Jun 07
Originally posted by eatmybishopgay
the spiritual forum is filled with strange christians who dont like gays, the debates is filled with angry gays who dont like christians and the chess forum is filled with strange angry chrsitian gays
that's why i stick with this one - and the sports, now that's for real men
Originally posted by eatmybishopeveryone is gay to you
the spiritual forum is filled with strange christians who dont like gays, the debates is filled with angry gays who dont like christians and the chess forum is filled with strange angry chrsitian gays
that's why i stick with this one - and the sports, now that's for real men
Originally posted by eatmybishopI have to agree with the rampant Christian malarky over on the spirituality forum. They make Jihadists sound like moderates and Jesus sound like a bloody atheist.
the spiritual forum is filled with strange christians who dont like gays, the debates is filled with angry gays who dont like christians and the chess forum is filled with strange angry chrsitian gays
that's why i stick with this one - and the sports, now that's for real men