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The kindest ❤️‘s on RHP

The kindest ❤️‘s on RHP



Ever met one?


@drewnogal said
Ever met one?
Actually there are a few, but not going to mention names.



@drewnogal said
Ever met one?
why are they all female?


@lemondrop said
why are they all female?
Nothing to lose?


@lemondrop said
why are they all female?
Does that really matter to you?



@drewnogal said
Ever met one?
this is one of the more benign websites on the web
still fraught with a few less than savory characters



Quite a few over the years - some of them gone, some still here, like good friends.


Yes, there are a few genuinely gentle souls here. We know who they are.


@torunn said

Quite a few over the years - some of them gone, some still here, like good friends.
Some just don't kiss butt, and speak their mind. It wouldn't be much of a forum if everyone was of the same opinion now would it?



Conflict is the lifeblood of forums - and the more bizarre and silly, the better. It's like Paintball. I suspect that it's where basically nice people can go to watch, and occasionally get splattered, it's all part of the fun. There are lots of nice people here reading posts, who don't feel the need to pick up a paint gun and join in.


@kewpie said
Conflict is the lifeblood of forums - and the more bizarre and silly, the better. It's like Paintball. I suspect that it's where basically nice people can go to watch, and occasionally get splattered, it's all part of the fun. There are lots of nice people here reading posts, who don't feel the need to pick up a paint gun and join in.
yer wrong


@kewpie said
Conflict is the lifeblood of forums - and the more bizarre and silly, the better. It's like Paintball. I suspect that it's where basically nice people can go to watch, and occasionally get splattered, it's all part of the fun. There are lots of nice people here reading posts, who don't feel the need to pick up a paint gun and join in.
"It's difference of opinion that makes horse races," said Mark Twain. Difference of opinion need not lead to argument, much less to conflict. I have found that argument very seldom changes anyone's firm opinion, and that conflict usually leads to more vehement re-statements of firmly held opinions.

Just my opinion, of course.


@rookie54 said
this is one of the more benign websites on the web
still fraught with a few less than savory characters
Compared to forums frequented by White supremacist anti-government keep-on-denying-Trump-lost militias, and QAnon devotees, yes, RHP is pretty tame.


@drewnogal said
Ever met one?
My very first trip to America was to meet someone I got talking to while playing a few games here, real connections happen if you let them.


@trev33 said
My very first trip to America was to meet someone I got talking to while playing a few games here, real connections happen if you let them.
In 1914 I travelled to Europe and the UK with my husband for several weeks, meeting up with drewnogal, aranya15, torunn and Ponderable who all turned out to be exactly as I expected from our chess chats. In 2016 we met mikelom's widow and she made us very welcome in their Bangkok home. In 2019 gording came to our home from the UK and stayed with us in Australia.

The RHP world is a global village. 🤗

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