"Little Mikey was a character of a young boy played by John Gilchrist in an American television commercial created by art director Bob Gage (who also directed the commercial) and copywriter Edyth Vaughn "Edie" Stevenson of the Doyle Dane Bernbach agency for Quaker Oats to promote their breakfast cereal, Life.
First airing in 1972, the popular commercial would be in regular rotation for more than twelve years, ending up as one of the longest continuously running commercial campaigns ever aired."
Seems someone's still making money out of Mikey, if this forum's anything to go by.
Originally posted by KewpieLet's get Mikey. He hates everything.
"Little Mikey was a character of a young boy played by John Gilchrist in an American television commercial created by art director Bob Gage (who also directed the commercial) and copywriter Edyth Vaughn "Edie" Stevenson of the Doyle Dane Bernbach agency for Quaker Oats to promote their breakfast cereal, Life.
First airing in 1972, the popular commercial wo ...[text shortened]... d."
Seems someone's still making money out of Mikey, if this forum's anything to go by.